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OneLogin SAML

Learn how to configure a connection to OneLogin via SAML.

Each SSO Identity Provider requires specific information to create and configure a new Connection. Often, the information required to create a Connection will differ by Identity Provider.

To create an OneLogin SAML Connection, you’ll need three pieces of information: an ACS URL, an SP Entity ID, and the OneLogin SAML Metadata file.

Start by logging into your WorkOS Dashboard and selecting “Organizations” from the left hand navigation bar.

Click on the organization you’d like to configure a OneLogin SAML connection for and select “Manually Configure Connection”.

A screenshot showing where to find “Manually Configure Connection” for an Organization in the WorkOS Dashboard.

Select “OneLogin SAML” from the Identity Provider dropdown, enter a descriptive name for the connection, and then select the “Create Connection” button.

A screenshot showing how to create a connection in the WorkOS Dashboard.

WorkOS provides the ACS URL and SP Entity ID. They are readily available in your Connection Settings in the WorkOS Dashboard.

The ACS URL is the location an Identity Provider redirects its authentication response to. In OneLogin’s case, it needs to be set by the organization when configuring your application in their OneLogin instance.

The SP Entity ID is a URI used to identify the issuer of a SAML request and the audience of a SAML response. In this case, the SP Entity ID is used to communicate that WorkOS will be the party performing SAML requests to the organization’s OneLogin instance, and that WorkOS is the intended audience of the SAML responses from the OneLogin instance.

A screenshot showing where to find the ACS URL and SP Entity ID in the WorkOS Dashboard.

Next, provide the OneLogin SAML Metadata file.

Normally, this will come from the organization’s IT Management team when they set up your application’s SAML 2.0 configuration in their OneLogin admin dashboard. But, should that not be the case during your setup, the next steps will show you how to obtain it.

A screenshot showing the “Edit Metadata Configuration” button in the WorkOS Dashboard.

Log in to OneLogin, go to the admin dashboard, and select “Applications” in the navigation bar.

A screenshot showing the "Applications" button in the OneLogin Dashboard.

Select your application from the list of applications.

A screenshot showing your application selection in the OneLogin Dashboard.

Select “Configuration” from the left-hand navigation:

  • Enter the SP Entity ID as the Audience (EntityID) e.g.
  • Enter the ACS URL as the Recipient e.g.
  • Enter your ACS URL Validator e.g. ^https:\/\/auth\.workos\.com\/sso\/saml\/acs\/wz5SpShhRIcSEyMM$
  • Enter your ACS URL e.g.
  • Enter your application’s login URL
A screenshot showing how to configure URLs in your OneLogin SAML Application within the OneLogin Dashboard.
  • Select “Service Provider” from the “SAML Initiator” dropdown menu
  • Select “Assertion” from the “SAML Signature Element” dropdown menu
A screenshot showing SAML Configuration in the SAML Application within the OneLogin Dashboard.

Select “Parameters” from the left-hand navigation and add the following field-value parameter pairs:

  • emailEmail
  • firstNameFirst Name
  • idUUID
  • lastNameLast Name

Check the “Include in SAML assertion” flag for each pair.

A screenshot showing how to configure SAML Attribute Mapping in OneLogin Dashboard.

With identity provider role assignment, users can receive roles within your application based on their group memberships. To return this information in the attribute statement, follow the guidance below.

Add a new parameter, and set the “Field name” to groups. Under “Flags”, click the checkboxes for both “Include in SAML assertion” and “Multi-value parameter”.

A screenshot showing where to add a groups parameter in the OneLogin Dashboard.

Map the groups field to the attribute in OneLogin containing a user’s group membership, such as “MemberOf”, shown in the example below. For more information on sending group information, refer to the OneLogin documentation.

A screenshot showing how to map the groups parameter in the OneLogin Dashboard.

Finish role assignment set-up by navigating to the Connection page in the Organization section of the WorkOS Dashboard. Create connection groups referencing the group IdP ID. Then, assign roles to connection groups so users in those groups will automatically be granted roles within your application.

Select “SSO” from the left-hand navigation.

Select the “More Actions” dropdown and click on “SAML Metadata”. This will download an XML metadata file.

A screenshot showing how to download Metadata File in OneLogin Dashboard.

In the Connection Settings of the WorkOS Dashboard, click “Edit Metadata Configuration”.

A screenshot showing the “Edit Metadata Configuration” button in the WorkOS Dashboard.

In the modal that pops up, upload the OneLogin Metadata file and then select “Save Metadata Configuration”.

A screenshot showing the pop-up after clicking the “Edit Metadata Configuration” button in the WorkOS Dashboard.

Once the file has uploaded, your Connection will then be linked and good to go!