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Learn about syncing your user list with a custom SCIM provider.

This guide outlines how to synchronize your application’s user and group directories using SCIM v2.0.

To synchronize an organization’s users and groups provisioned for your application, you’ll need to provide the organization with two pieces of information:

  • An Endpoint that the SCIM server will make requests to.
  • A Bearer Token to authenticate its endpoint requests.

Both of these are available in your Endpoint’s Settings in the WorkOS Dashboard.

Login to your WorkOS dashboard and select “Organizations” from the left hand Navigation bar.

Select the Organization you’d like to enable a SCIM Directory Sync connection for.

On the Organization’s page go to “Actions” and then click “Add Directory”.

A screenshot showing where to find “Add Directory” in the WorkOS Dashboard.

Select “Custom SCIM v2.0” as the directory type, and then input the Company Name.

Click the “Create Directory” button.

A screenshot showing "Create Directory" details in the WorkOS Dashboard.

The Directory Sync Connection will now display the Endpoint for the SCIM server to send requests to, and the Bearer Token.

A screenshot showing where to find the Endpoint and Bearer Token for an organization in the WorkOS Dashboard.

We have support for custom labeled URLs for Directory Sync endpoints. Contact us for more info!

WorkOS provides you with all of the relevant information for an organization to plug and play SCIM functionality for your application.

Provide the organization with:

Once the organization has used these values to configure your application within their SCIM server, then your application is ready to synchronize users and groups.

Now, whenever the organization assigns users or groups to your application, you’ll receive realtime Dashboard updates based on changes in their directory.

A detailed guide to integrate the WorkOS API with your application can be found here