In this article
August 16, 2024
August 16, 2024

Top 7 API authentication methods and how to use them

Learn about the different API authentication methods, including how they work, their use cases, and best practices to follow.

Securing your API starts with choosing the right authentication method. Each method has unique benefits and use cases, from simple API keys to more robust options like OAuth 2.0 and JWT.

In this article, we'll explore the top 7 API authentication methods, breaking down how they work and when to use them.

What is API authentication?

API authentication verifies that someone is who they claim to be when trying to access an API. 

Imagine a keycard system at a secure building—only those with the right card can enter. Similarly, API authentication ensures that only authorized users or systems can interact with your API.

But why is it important?

APIs handle sensitive data, from personal information to financial records. Anyone without proper authentication could potentially access this data, leading to serious security breaches. That's why securing your API endpoints is non-negotiable.

API authentication is about verifying identity.

This verification can happen in several ways — API keys, OAuth 2.0, JWT, basic authentication, digest authentication, HMAC, and mutual TLS. The goal is always the same: to ensure that your API remains secure and that only trusted parties can interact with it.

It’s important to note that authentication is just one piece of the puzzle. While it confirms who is making the request, it doesn’t necessarily control what they can do.

That’s the job of authorization, a closely related concept that governs what an authenticated user can do. Together, authentication and authorization form the foundation of API security.

7 API authentication methods

Method 1: API key authentication

API key authentication is one of the most straightforward ways to control access to your API. 

An API key is a unique identifier, similar to a password, that a user or system must provide to gain access to your API. When a request is made to your API, the key is sent along, and the API checks whether the key is valid before allowing the request to proceed.

API key authentication is perfect for:

  • Internal APIs: API keys can be a straightforward way to authenticate requests when building a microservices architecture or connecting different internal systems.
  • Low-risk applications: For services where security isn’t the top concern — such as public APIs that don’t handle sensitive data — API keys can provide a quick and easy way to authenticate users.
  • Rate limiting: API keys can track and limit the number of requests an application can make, preventing abuse. By associating each key with a specific user, you can monitor how your API is used and by whom.

Security considerations and limitations

While easy to implement, API key authentication has its drawbacks:

  • Static: Once generated, API keys don't change, making them susceptible to compromise if leaked. Modern implementations support key rotation and expiration, which can mitigate risks in case of a leak.
  • Lack of granular control: API keys typically grant broad access to the API, limiting your ability to control which resources a key can access. If a key is compromised, the attacker has full access to the API without restrictions on what they can do.
  • Revocation challenges: Revoking an API key can be difficult if used in multiple places.

Method 2: OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is a widely used framework that offers a secure way to authorize API access without exposing user credentials. Instead of sharing passwords, OAuth 2.0 uses access tokens — temporary keys that allow third-party applications to interact with your API.

When a user wants to connect their account from one service to another — like linking a Google account to a third-party app — the app will redirect the user to the API provider’s authorization server (in this case, Google). 

The user logs in and consents to the access request, and the authorization server issues an access token. The third-party app then uses this token to authorize API requests.

Key components include:

  • Access tokens: Credentials used to authenticate API requests
  • Authorization server: Manages the authentication process and issues tokens
  • Resource server: Verifies tokens and provides access to data

OAuth 2.0 supports various flows to accommodate different scenarios:

  • Authorization code flow: It’s secure and commonly used for web and mobile apps; it exchanges a code for an access token after user consent.
  • Implicit flow: The implicit flow was historically used by single-page applications (SPAs), but it is strongly discouraged due to security risks, such as token exposure in URLs. Modern SPAs should use the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE for improved security.
  • Client credentials flow: It’s ideal for server-to-server communication, where the app authenticates itself rather than a user.

OAuth 2.0 is commonly used for:

  • Data sharing: This enables users to permit applications to access their data from other services (e.g., sharing photos from Instagram on a blogging platform).
  • Secure API access: API gateways use OAuth 2.0 to manage access to backend services, issuing tokens that external apps must present to consume APIs.
  • Rate limiting and quotas: OAuth 2.0 tokens can carry metadata that allows API providers to implement rate limits.
  • Backend services: OAuth 2.0’s Client Credentials Flow is ideal for scenarios where a server needs to authenticate and interact with another server’s API without user involvement, such as in cloud services and automated data processing.

Here are some OAuth 2.0 challenges:

  • Complexity: Implementing OAuth 2.0 can be complicated, especially when handling different flows and managing token lifecycles.
  • Token management: Tokens need to be securely stored, rotated, and revoked, which adds an extra layer of complexity to your API management.
  • Security concerns: OAuth 2.0, if implemented incorrectly, can introduce vulnerabilities like token interception or misuse. However, best practices such as using the authorization code flow with PKCE and securely managing tokens can mitigate these risks.

Method 3: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) have become a go-to method for API authentication, particularly in stateless APIs. 

A JWT is a compact, URL-safe token that can be used to transmit information between parties securely. What makes JWTs particularly useful is their ability to carry claims — pieces of information about the user or system — within the token itself. 

This self-contained nature makes JWTs perfect for stateless authentication, where the server doesn’t need to store session data.

How JWTs work in API authentication

When a user authenticates, the server generates a JWT containing relevant user information. This token is then sent to the client. 

The client includes the JWT in the authorization header for each subsequent API request. The API server validates the token's signature and extracts the claims to verify the user's identity and permissions.

Advantages of using JWTs

  • Statelessness: Since all necessary data is stored within the token, there’s no need for the server to maintain session information, making JWTs ideal for scalable APIs.
  • Widely Supported: JWTs are supported across many platforms and libraries, making them versatile for API authentication.
  • Decentralization: JWTs can be verified by any server with the appropriate key, making them suitable for distributed APIs.

Best practices for JWTs

  • Set expiration: Always set an expiration (exp) claim to limit the token’s lifespan and minimize the risk of theft.  
  • Use secure signing: For improved security, particularly in distributed environments, use RS256 (asymmetric) instead of HS256 (symmetric). RS256 allows multiple services to verify without sharing the private signing key.
  • Avoid storing sensitive data: While JWTs are easily transportable, avoid including sensitive information like passwords, which can be decoded if intercepted or mishandled.

Method 4: Basic authentication

Basic authentication is a simple method for sending user credentials over the internet. It’s one of the oldest and most straightforward methods of API authentication. 

How basic auth works

When a client requests an API endpoint, it includes the credentials — typically a username and password — in the request header. These credentials are combined with a colon (:) and then encoded using Base64. 

The encoded string is prefixed with "Basic" and sent in the Authorization header. The server decodes the credentials and verifies them against its records. The server grants access to the requested resource if the credentials are correct. 

Otherwise, it denies the request.

The ease of implementation is a significant draw for basic auth — there’s no need for tokens or complex encryption schemes. However, this simplicity comes at a cost.

Security implications and why basic auth is less recommended

Security is where basic auth falls short:

  • The primary issue with basic authorization is that it sends encoded but easily decodable credentials, making it highly vulnerable to interception. If someone captures the network traffic, they can easily extract the username and password.
  • Basic auth alone lacks fine-grained control and token expiration, but these can be supplemented with HTTPS and session management tools for better security. However, even with HTTPS, Basic Auth is generally unsuitable for modern applications handling sensitive data due to its fundamental vulnerabilities.

Because of these security risks, basic authorization is generally considered outdated and is not recommended for most modern applications. It’s especially unsuitable for APIs that handle sensitive data or require strong security measures.

Use cases of basic auth

That said, there are still scenarios where basic auth might be appropriate:

  • Internal tools: Basic auth can be a quick and simple solution for internal APIs used within a trusted network, but it's still advisable to use HTTPS.
  • Quick prototyping: During the early stages of development, when speed and simplicity are crucial, basic auth can be a convenient way to get started before transitioning to a more secure method.

Method 5: Digest authentication

Digest authentication was developed as a more secure alternative to basic authentication. Instead of sending the password in plain text, it uses cryptographic hashes to protect the information.

It applies a hashing algorithm to the user’s credentials before they are sent over the network. Instead of transmitting the username and password, the client sends a hashed version of these credentials, along with additional information, such as a nonce (a random value that changes with each request) and a timestamp. This makes it significantly harder for attackers to intercept and use the credentials.

How digest auth improves upon basic auth

  • Credentials hashing: By hashing the credentials and incorporating a nonce, digest auth ensures that even if the hashed value is intercepted, it cannot be reused in another request (known as replay protection).
  • Message integrity checks: Digest Auth can optionally include a hash of the entire request, ensuring the message has not been tampered with during transit. 

Despite these improvements over Basic Auth, Digest Authentication is increasingly deprecated and not recommended for modern applications due to limited support and complexity.

Implementation challenges and limitations

While more secure than basic auth, digest auth still has some limitations:

  • Complexity: Implementing digest auth is more complex than basic auth for developers and the infrastructure that supports it. 
  • Deprecation: Support for digest auth has decreased in favor of more secure and scalable methods like token-based authentication.

When to use Digest Authentication

Given its complexities and the availability of more secure alternatives, Digest Auth is generally not recommended for new applications. 

However, it might be considered for:

  • Legacy systems: Older systems need to be upgraded from basic authorization.
  • Intranet environments: For internal applications where security is essential, implementing more complex methods isn’t feasible.

Method 6: HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code)

HMAC is a type of cryptographic hash function that takes two inputs: A message and a secret key.

The result is a hash value that acts as a fingerprint for the data. If the message is altered, the hash will change even slightly, indicating that the message’s integrity has been compromised. 

How HMAC works in API requests

When using HMAC in API requests, the client generates a hash of the request data using the shared secret key and sends this hash as a header in the request. The server recalculates the hash using the same secret key and compares it to the received hash. If they match, the request is considered authentic and unaltered.

Use cases for HMAC

HMAC is particularly useful in scenarios such as:

  • Time-based authentication: You can protect APIs from replay attacks by incorporating timestamps into the HMAC.
  • Secure messaging: You can ensure the integrity and authenticity of messages exchanged between systems, especially in environments where data confidentiality is critical.

Implementation details and security considerations

While HMAC is powerful, its security depends on:

  • Proper management of the secret key: The shared secret key must be securely stored and protected. Moreover, regularly rotating the secret key reduces the risk of long-term exposure. In distributed environments, use secure key management systems (e.g., AWS KMS or HashiCorp Vault) to store and rotate keys to reduce exposure risk.
  • Algorithm selection: Choose a strong cryptographic hash function like SHA-256.

Method 7: Mutual TLS (mTLS)

Mutual TLS (mTLS) is a security protocol beyond verifying the server’s identity. It also requires the client to prove its identity before establishing a secure connection.

This adds an extra layer of protection compared to traditional TLS, where only the server is verified.

How mTLS ensures client-server mutual verification

The client and server possess digital certificates from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). Each party presents its certificate to the other when a connection is initiated.

The certificates are verified to ensure they are valid and issued to the correct entity. This mutual authentication process helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and unauthorized access.

Use cases for mTLS in high-security environments

mTLS is particularly well-suited for:

  • IoT devices: mTLS is highly beneficial for high-security IoT applications but may be less feasible in devices with limited resources.
  • Financial services: In this sector, mTLS is essential because it ensures the security of transactions where protecting sensitive data is paramount.
  • Healthcare: mTLS helps ensure that both parties in data exchange are trusted entities, safeguarding patient information during transmission.

Best practices for implementing mTLS

Implementing mTLS requires careful attention to certificate management:

  • Regularly rotate certificates: This reduces the risk of compromised certificates being used to gain unauthorized access.
  • Use strong encryption algorithms: Ensure that the certificates and the TLS connection use robust, up-to-date cryptographic standards.
  • Maintain a trusted CA list: Regularly update your trusted Certificate Authorities to prevent using outdated or compromised CAs.

Best practices for API authentication

  1. Use encryption: Always use HTTPS to encrypt API communications. HTTPS prevents attackers from intercepting and tampering with data in transit.
  2. Implement rate limiting: Rate limiting effectively protects your API from abuse, such as brute-force attacks or denial-of-service (DoS) attempts. Limiting the number of requests a client can make in a given time frame.
  3. Token expiration and rotation: Set short expiration times on tokens to limit their usefulness if compromised and regularly rotate tokens to reduce the risk of long-term exposure.
  4. Monitor and log authentication attempts: Maintaining detailed logs of authentication attempts is vital for detecting and responding to suspicious activity. 
  5. Use strong passwords and MFA: Strong passwords make it harder for attackers to gain access through brute force for user-based authentication. MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring additional verification beyond just the password.
  6. Error handling: Avoid providing detailed error messages that could give attackers clues about your API’s security vulnerabilities.
  7. Secure API Keys: Store API keys securely using secure vaults and avoid hardcoding them directly into your application’s source code.

WorkOS for enterprise API authentication

By leveraging WorkOS, you can focus on what really matters — building and scaling your application — while leaving the complexities of enterprise authentication to the experts.

  • Get started fast: With SDKs in every popular language, easy-to-follow documentation, and Slack-based support, you can implement SSO in minutes rather than weeks.
  • Support every protocol: With OAuth 2.0 integrations to popular providers like Google and Microsoft, compatibility with every major IdP, and full support for custom SAML/OIDC connections, WorkOS can support any enterprise customer.
  • Pricing that makes sense: Unlike competitors who price by monthly active users, WorkOS charges a flat rate for each company you onboard — whether they bring 10 or 10,000 SSO users to your app.

Sign-up for WorkOS today, and start selling to enterprise customers tomorrow.

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