Grow faster. Go further.

WorkOS for Startups

From launch day to IPO and beyond, WorkOS is the all-in-one platform to build and grow your startup. It’s the fastest and easiest way to quickly become Enterprise Ready and accelerate your growth.

powering the best startups in the world

Future-proof your auth stack for enterprise growth

AuthKit, the world’s best login box

Open source authentication UI with effortless customizations and elegant design components. Both hosted and headless builds available.

User Management, free up to 1M MAUs

Enterprise-grade backend for AuthKit. Email verification, MFA, B2B app modeling, identity linking, bot protection, and more.

Enterprise SSO

Out-of-the-box support for 20+ IdPs, extensive SDK coverage, and modular by design. Integrate in minutes to secure your first enterprise customer.

SCIM for seamless user provisioning

Automatically provision/deprovision users, groups, and access controls. Normalized data across dozens of HRIS and directory providers.

Self-serve customer onboarding

Secure, fully customizable, and always up-to-date onboarding experience for your customers’ 
IT team.

Production-ready RBAC in minutes

Open source Fine Grained Authorization (FGA) service based on Google’s Zanzibar. Fast authorization checks for complex use cases.

With our in-house solution we had to spend 2-4 hours provisioning each SSO connection. I wanted to find a solution that would allow us to focus on building core-products.
Jarel Fryer
Chromatic Engineering Manager
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The decision to use WorkOS was straightforward. We saw good feedback from existing customers and reviewing the documentation made us confident that our needs would be addressed.
Chris Lu Co-founder
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SSO is a crucial part of our Enterprise Pro plan, and with WorkOS we could roll it out in less than a week. Docs are comprehensive, the Admin Portal has made customer onboarding a breeze, and the level of support we received directly in Slack has been phenomenal.
Dmitry Shevelenko
Perplexity Chief Business Officer
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Cursor now completely runs on WorkOS. Login times are much faster, the signup page looks much better, and we’re not subject to Auth0's customer-hostile and opaque pricing anymore. Plus, we’re excited to add SSO for our business tier soon.
Arvid Lunnemark
Cursor Founder
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I think we could have done even more business if we had partnered with WorkOS earlier, it's been incredibly well received.
Guillermo Rauch
Vercel Founder & CEO
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Integrating was straightforward, pleasant, and fun. The team answered my questions quickly, and went above and beyond to help when I ran into issues.
Bryant Chou
Webflow Co-Founder & CTO
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With Audit Logs, we were able to launch the storage, querying, and export capabilities we needed into production in just a matter of days.
Pete Hamilton Co-Founder & CTO
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With our in-house solution we had to spend 2-4 hours provisioning each SSO connection. I wanted to find a solution that would allow us to focus on building core-products.
Jarel Fryer
Chromatic Engineering Manager
Read more
The decision to use WorkOS was straightforward. We saw good feedback from existing customers and reviewing the documentation made us confident that our needs would be addressed.
Chris Lu Co-founder
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SSO is a crucial part of our Enterprise Pro plan, and with WorkOS we could roll it out in less than a week. Docs are comprehensive, the Admin Portal has made customer onboarding a breeze, and the level of support we received directly in Slack has been phenomenal.
Dmitry Shevelenko
Perplexity Chief Business Officer
Read more
Cursor now completely runs on WorkOS. Login times are much faster, the signup page looks much better, and we’re not subject to Auth0's customer-hostile and opaque pricing anymore. Plus, we’re excited to add SSO for our business tier soon.
Arvid Lunnemark
Cursor Founder
Read more
I think we could have done even more business if we had partnered with WorkOS earlier, it's been incredibly well received.
Guillermo Rauch
Vercel Founder & CEO
Read more
Integrating was straightforward, pleasant, and fun. The team answered my questions quickly, and went above and beyond to help when I ran into issues.
Bryant Chou
Webflow Co-Founder & CTO
Read more
With Audit Logs, we were able to launch the storage, querying, and export capabilities we needed into production in just a matter of days.
Pete Hamilton Co-Founder & CTO
Read more

Why WorkOS for Startups

Future-proof and modular

All WorkOS products can be used as standalone. Whether you need AuthKit for basic user login or SSO for more mature customers, you can pick and choose based on your needs.

Easy-to-use APIs

A single, elegant interface with modern APIs means you can integrate in just minutes. SDKs for your favorite platforms are supported, and product docs are comprehensive yet simple.

Designed for B2B SaaS

WorkOS natively supports organization modeling, removing the complexity of handling users <> teams relationships in authentication and authorization layers.

Transparent pricing

High costs, low usage caps, and opaque pricing are common complaints about auth vendors. WorkOS is free up to 1 million MAUs and uses a straightforward connections-based model.

Integrate in minutes

Open-source client libraries for your favorite platforms.

npm install @workos-inc/node

gem install workos

pip install workos

go get -u

composer require workos/workos-php

composer require workos/workos-php-laravel


nuget install

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