In this article
November 28, 2023
November 28, 2023

Introducing AuthKit and User Management APIs

AuthKit is a Radix-powered open source authentication UI built for effortless customizations. User Management is the backend platform handling email verification, account linking, bot blocking, organization modeling, and more.

WorkOS is on a mission to support SaaS companies to build and scale faster to enterprise, and our platform is used today by many of the fastest-growing SaaS businesses, including Vercel, Drata, Loom, Jasper, Webflow, and hundreds of others.

We love talking with users, and over the past year we heard a consistent theme emerge:

Building auth is hard. But can you also help us solve user management?

Common complaints about existing vendors included:

  • Limited UI customization / too front-end focused.
  • Lack of modularity with vendor “lock-in.”
  • Opaque pricing, forced contracts, and arbitrary rate limits.

Today there’s another way. Say hello to AuthKit.

Radix-powered UI for effortless customizability

AuthKit is a flexible open source toolkit for authentication UI with support for both hosted and headless builds.

Hosted AuthKit requires minimal setup while offering sophisticated styling tools and support for custom domains. It efficiently manages all the aspects of the authentication process as well as email verification flows, enabling developers to focus on the core development of their products.

The headless option provides even greater customizability and allows developers to build their own UIs against AuthKit APIs. Open source AuthKit offers modular templates designed for quick integration. Developers can use these as reference or incorporate into their codebases to apply their unique styles or replace UI elements with components from their own design systems.

This flexibility allows developers to start with the hosted experience and gradually transition to building their own UI without complex migration steps.

User Management with enterprise-grade security

Complementing AuthKit is User Management, the backend platform handling user identities, creation, modification, deletion, permissions, and access rights. It's designed to be composable and incrementally adoptable for quick integration into new stacks or selective adoption for existing auth systems.

WorkOS User Management includes many features that can be used to provide advanced security to enterprise users:

  • B2B app modeling for flexible organization membership settings.
  • Email verification by default.
  • Safe linking and duplicate account merging to protect against spoofing and reduce support burdens.
  • Identity Provider (IdP) normalization for consistency across user profiles, reducing security issues.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) available per environment.

One million users, for free

AuthKit can be hosted by WorkOS, and comes free up to one million users, with support for password auth, social auth, magic link auth, MFA auth, and more. Your instance will be initially hosted at the domain, and can be configured to run at your own custom domain (with custom email configuration) for $99/mo.

It’s that simple. No gotchas, no gimmicks, no annoying limits.

Already loved by customers

We’ve been piloting AuthKit with some customers for the past few months, and the initial response has been great.

"Choosing WorkOS for our user authentication was a clear-cut decision. The integration was quick and seamless, and AuthKit gave us control over the UI to meet our specific design requirements. WorkOS just does things the right way and lets us focus on the things that are strategic for our vertically-integrated hardware business. I have been involved with auth and SSO implementations for over a decade and this was a dead simple choice."

— Sean Rose, Product at Meter

"The migration to WorkOS was straightforward and consolidating our needs under a single provider for SSO, user management, and MFA at scale has freed up so much of our engineering resources. AuthKit in particular is a game changer for handling user logins."

— Mokhtar Bacha, Founder & CEO at Formal

Get started today

We can’t wait to see what you’ll build with these new APIs and components. Visit for more details, or view the docs to integrate today.

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