
June Updates

Developer Week recap, Apple OAuth, User Management with SCIM, IdP role assignment, the Remix example app, and more

Developer Week recap

We recently concluded Developer Week, where our engineering team shared takeaways and lessons learned from shipping features and other critical projects.

Sign in with Apple

WorkOS now supports Apple OAuth as a Single Sign-On authentication method.

Learn how to set up Apple OAuth →

User Management with SCIM and Google Workspace

User Management now supports automatic user provisioning and de-provisioning via SCIM and Google Workspace directories. This means your enterprise customer can integrate their identity provider to enable automatic user lifecycle management (ULM).

Read about automatic user provisioning in the docs →

Identity provider role assignment

Directory Sync now supports “roles” on the Directory User. Roles on directory users can be configured by a user’s group memberships. You can now map group memberships to roles on the WorkOS Dashboard under the directory settings.

Once roles for your application are configured, you can enable role assignment for IT Admins in the Admin Portal.

Read about IdP role assignment in the docs →

Developer-provided TOTP secrets

With the new totp_secret parameter on the enroll authentication factor endpoint, you can migrate existing TOTP MFA factors to WorkOS without re-prompting your users for MFA enrollment.

View the API to enroll an authentication factor →

Remix example app and helper library for AuthKit

We now have an example app demonstrating how to integrate AuthKit in your Remix application. It uses the newly released authkit-remix helper library to make your AuthKit integration possible in just a few lines of code.

View authkit-remix on GitHub →

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