
August Updates

Certificate renewal flow, organization switching APIs, modeling your app docs, provider icons API

SAML certificate renewal flow

Renewing SAML certificates is now easier than ever. Send renewal instructions directly to admins via the Admin Portal, receive alerts for connections approaching expirations, and filter orgs based on time remaining until expiration.

Read more about the simplified renewal flow →

Organization switching APIs

We’ve added two new APIs to support common UI patterns, such as an “organization switcher” that lets users change orgs without having to re-authenticate.

Read more about organization switching APIs →

Modeling your app docs

New documentation that provides guidelines for architecting your WorkOS integration is now available. It covers common authentication concepts like B2B modeling, multi-tenancy, various auth methods, and includes example scenarios.

Read the documentation →

Provider icons API

Provider icons for various identity providers, Directory Sync, and domain verification services used within the Admin Portal are now available. These can be retrieved via new endpoints or as SVG files in Figma.

Learn more about the provider icons API →

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