
July Updates

RBAC for AuthKit, Fine-Grained Authorization early access, SCIM role assignment, updated Node SDK, and new Log Streams destination

Introducing RBAC for AuthKit

AuthKit now supports creating and attaching custom permissions to user roles, providing a complete Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) solution for users.

Read more about the launch →

Fine-Grained Authorization

Early access for FGA is now available for teams using Node and Go.

Read more about FGA early access →

SCIM role assignment

Your customers can now use the Admin Portal to map role data that exist in their identity providers to roles that are configured in your app.

Learn more about SCIM role assignment →

New generic Log Streams destination: HTTP POST

Audit Logs now supports a generic Log Streams destination, HTTP POST, that can be streamlined to any SIEM provider that accepts HTTP POST requests with a JSON payload.

Learn more about the new Log Streams destination →

Improved session handling in the Node SDK

The SDK can be used to handle signing, encrypting session data, and managing JWTs.

Learn more about the updated SDK →

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