
May Updates

Send your own AuthKit emails, PKCE support for SSO, Events API for filtering orgs, soft deletion support in User Management

Send your own AuthKit emails

For more control over email content and deliverability, you can turn off default emails related to User Management, such as password reset and Magic Auth, and send customized emails instead.

Learn how to send your own AuthKit emails →

PKCE support for SSO

Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) enhances the security of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow by allowing applications that cannot securely store a client secret, like native or single-page apps, to securely obtain access tokens. If you are developing a client that makes API calls in public, you’ll need to use this flow.

Learn more about PKCE support for SSO →

Events API for organization filtering

The Events API includes an optional organization ID parameter that allows you to filter events that have occurred in a specific organization. This change is available on our Node, Python, Go, and Ruby SDKs.

Learn more about the Events API organization filtering →

Deactivate organization memberships in User Management

The User Management API allows deactivating and reactivating organization memberships to natively support soft deletion use cases. This enables persisting an organization member’s resources but revoking access.

Learn more about deactivating organization memberships →

on signup

We’ve streamlined the email and password sign-up flow in AuthKit. Users are now automatically signed in upon successful registration, reducing friction and improving the overall experience.

Learn more about sign-in on signup →

PHP example app for AuthKit

This new example app shows how to integrate AuthKit in PHP with full session management. Built with vanilla PHP, it shows how to easily add AuthKit to any PHP app, regardless of framework.

Learn more about the PHP example app →

User Management migration docs from Clerk

A guide to migrating from Clerk to WorkOS are available, as well as new tooling to simplify the import process.

Read the migration docs →

The guide to migrating from Clerk to WorkOS is available as well as new tooling to simplify the import process.

In this article

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