
What is RBAC? How it works and when to use it

Learn all about RBAC, how it works, its benefits, and when to use it.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) simplifies how organizations manage user permissions, making it an indispensable tool in any IT environment. 

By aligning access privileges with user roles, RBAC not only lightens admin workloads but also enhances security. 

RBAC systems can integrate with directories, databases, and identity providers that store and manage user information. This integration is key — it means that as your organization grows, RBAC systems can automatically update user roles and permissions in sync with any changes.

In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about RBAC. We'll explain what RBAC is, walk through the benefits and limitations, look at when to use it, compare it to other models, and share best practices for implementation.

What is Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)?

As the name suggests, RBAC assigns access rights based on roles and responsibilities. Here, roles represent a collection of permissions, such as "read," "write," or "delete," which are assigned based on the responsibilities of a user within an organization.

RBAC allows you to control what end users can do at a role level. Instead of assigning permissions directly to users, you assign permissions to roles. Then you assign users to roles.

Benefits of RBAC

Simplified administration

RBAC significantly reduces administrative burden by centralizing permission management. Instead of updating permissions user by user, admins set up roles and update them as needed. Everyone in that role automatically gets the updates. This not only speeds up changes but also cuts down on mistakes when tweaking permissions.

Improved security

RBAC restricts user access to just what they need for their jobs, lowering the risk of security slip-ups, whether accidental or intentional. 

For instance, in a financial app, RBAC could ensure that only 'Senior Financial Analysts' and 'Account Managers' can see sensitive financial data. This means an entry-level employee or an IT staff wouldn't be able to view information that's not relevant to their specific tasks.


RBAC is flexible — it grows with your business. As things change or your company expands, you can easily tweak roles and permissions to fit new requirements. 

Plus, everything's managed from one central spot. That means you can add new employees to existing roles or update role permissions as needed without overhauling the entire permissions structure.


By implementing "least privilege" through RBAC — only providing access that is absolutely necessary — you limit exposure and simplify audits and compliance checks.

Limitations of Role-Based Access Control

While RBAC has many benefits, it also has some limitations to be aware of:

Role explosion

One of the primary challenges in RBAC systems is "role explosion." This refers to the issue where an organization ends up with an excessive number of highly specific roles. This often occurs as companies grow and their functions diversify, leading to the creation of new, distinct roles for each unique responsibility or project. 

This proliferation of roles can complicate the management of access controls, turning a system designed for simplicity and efficiency into one that is cumbersome and difficult to manage.

For example, you might start with broad roles like 'Developer' or 'Project Manager,' but as you expand into different projects, you create more specialized roles such as 'Front-End Developer,' 'Back-End Developer,' and project-specific managers, which can make it increasingly difficult to maintain clear oversight and manage these roles, especially when projects overlap or when developers switch teams.


Once roles and permissions are set, RBAC can be a bit rigid. If something changes — like a new project starts or a new regulation kicks in — and it doesn't quite fit with the current roles, you might have to make some big adjustments. This could mean creating entirely new roles or significantly changing the existing permissions.

Maintenance challenges

Since access needs evolve over time, an RBAC system requires ongoing maintenance. New roles may need to be created, permissions adjusted, and employees assigned to different roles. If not properly maintained, the RBAC system can become outdated and ineffective.

Limited granularity

In RBAC, permissions are assigned at the role level, not at the level of individual data attributes. This means that anyone assigned to a role has the same level of access to resources as others in that role. 

In situations where access needs to be tightly controlled and customized at a very detailed level — perhaps down to individual records or fields within a database — RBAC might not be detailed enough to handle it.

Separation of duties issues

If an RBAC system allows individuals to accumulate multiple roles that together, give them complete control over sensitive tasks, it undermines the separation of duties principle. This happens because the system might not have checks in place to prevent one person from holding too many overlapping roles that should ideally be kept apart.

For example, in a tech company, if one person holds the roles of writing, reviewing, and deploying their own code, it could introduce security risks and quality issues as there are no independent reviews.

When should you use RBAC?

RBAC is ideal if your company has clear job functions and you want to ensure employees only access what they need for their work. 

For example, you can set up a 'Human Resources' role with access to HR systems and employee records, an 'Accounting' role that can reach financial systems and reports, and a 'Sales' role that can use the CRM system and see customer data. Employees get roles based on their job titles and duties.

However, RBAC can be too limiting in smaller companies or startups, where job roles are more fluid and employees might need to perform a variety of tasks. It could block access to necessary resources that don’t neatly fit an employee's primary role. 

If your business environment changes often, and employees need access to different systems regularly, you might find yourself frequently updating roles and permissions, which can be a lot of work.

In such cases, it’s better to use RBAC alongside more detailed access control models like Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) and Relationship-Based Access Control (ReBAC). This way, you can manage broad access with RBAC and use other models for finer and more specific permissions.

RBAC implementation best practices

To implement RBAC properly, follow these best practices:

Start small and build up

Don’t try to overhaul your entire access control system all at once. Pick a few applications or systems to start with, build out the role hierarchy and permissions, test them, and then slowly expand RBAC to more areas. This iterative approach will allow you to learn and make improvements as you go.

Focus on job functions, not individuals

The goal of RBAC is to assign permissions based on a person’s job function, not their individual identity. Think about the generic roles and responsibilities in your organization and build roles around those. For example, “Software Engineer” or “Marketing Associate,” not “John” or “Jane.”

Keep roles simple

Try not to get too granular with roles. Overly complex role structures with too many roles can be difficult to manage and understand. 

Start with broad roles, then break them down into sub-roles only as needed. For example, you may have a “Software Engineer” role, then under that “Front-End Engineer” and “Back-End Engineer” sub-roles.

Review and audit

Regularly review your RBAC policies and configurations to ensure the principles of least privilege and separation of duties are being followed. Look for unused roles and permissions to remove, as well as new roles that may need to be created. 

Auditing will also help you catch and fix any incorrect role assignments.

RBAC vs. other access control models

Here’s a comparison of RBAC with three other common access control models: 

RBAC with WorkOS

AuthKit supports RBAC through roles and permissions that can be easily configured in the WorkOS Dashboard. It's one of the native features for AuthKIt and is free up to 1 million MAUs. WorkOS also supports Fine-Grained Authorization that allows for a more granular form of access control that can be established at the resource level. Get started today.

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