Enterprise Single Sign-On

One integration, dozens of identity providers

Save months of development time integrating and debugging SAML and OpenID Connect protocols.

Integrates with

Support your first enterprise customer in days

Single Sign-On

Your app’s first step toward enterprise adoption

OpenID Connect

using a single API


Identity providers supported

B.Y.O. database,  UX, and UI — we’ll provide the auth

WorkOS was designed to seamlessly fit into your existing application. With a few lines of code, you can offer the most popular enterprise sign-in options and support your biggest customers as quickly as possible.

Clean, consistent, and modern API design

Offer SSO for any identity provider that uses SAML or Open ID Connect protocols, all in a standard OAuth2 connection wrapper.

Developer-first design

APIs with RESTful endpoints, JSON responses, and normalized objects.

Fits your existing UX / UI

Integrate into existing login UI, authentication flows, and user communication methods.

Your data stays with you

Bring your own database and manage your own user records — we’ll provide the auth.

Persistable navigation state

Encode useful information to help restore application state between redirects.

// Generate an authorization URL that automatically
// directs a user to their Identity Provider

import WorkOS from '@workos-inc/node';

const workos = new WorkOS('sk_example_123456');

  organization: 'org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT',
  clientID: 'client_123456789',
  redirectURI: 'https://example.com/callback',
  state: 'dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ==',

# Generate an authorization URL that automatically
# directs a user to their Identity Provider

require 'workos'

WorkOS.key = 'sk_example_123456'

  organization: 'org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT',
  client_id: 'client_123456789',
  redirect_uri: 'https://example.com/callback',
  state: 'dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ==',

# Generate an authorization URL that automatically
# directs a user to their Identity Provider

import workos
from workos import client

workos.api_key = 'sk_example_123456'
workos.client_id = 'client_123456789'


// Generate an authorization URL that automatically
// directs a user to their Identity Provider

import "github.com/workos/workos-go/pkg/sso"


  Organization: "org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT",
  RedirectURI: "https://example.com/callback",
  State: "dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ==",

// Generate an authorization URL that automatically
// directs a user to their Identity Provider

$this->sso = new WorkOS\SSO();


// Generate an authorization URL that automatically
// directs a user to their Identity Provider

import com.workos.WorkOS;

WorkOS workos = new WorkOS("sk_example_123456");

String url =
    .getAuthorizationUrl("client_123456789", "https://example.com/callback")

// Generate an authorization URL that automatically
// directs a user to their Identity Provider


var ssoService = new SSOService();
var options = new GetAuthorizationURLOptions
    ClientId = "client_123456789",
    Organization = "org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT",
    RedirectURI = "https://example.com/callback",
    State = "dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ==",

string url = ssoService.GetAuthorizationURL(options);

curl --request GET \
  --url "https://api.workos.com/sso/authorize? \
  response_type=code& \
  client_id=sk_example_123456& \
  redirect_uri=https://example.com/callback& \
  state=dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ==& \

Integrate popular OAuth providers like Google and Microsoft

Leverage the same Single Sign-On API interface to connect with other OAuth services. Add high-conversion authentication options without having to build and manage them yourself.

Passwordless sign-in with Magic Link

Magic links are a great way to provide a simple sign-in option for your customers without compromising their account security. It enables low-friction authentication using email.

  • Avoid password breaches
  • Remove the need of a “forgotten password” flow
  • Immediately expire links after they are first clicked
  • Use your own email service and custom branded template
“Integrating was straightforward, pleasant, and fun. The team answered my questions quickly, and went above and beyond to help when I ran into issues.”
Bryant Chou
Co-Founder & CTO
Read more
“WorkOS simplified the complexity of implementing single sign-on (SSO) with multiple identity providers.”
Daniel Marashlian
Co-Founder & CTO
Read more

The quickest way to up-market

Adding SSO is the quickest way to get a head start on enterprise adoption. Integrate SSO in a few days, free-up your roadmap, and get back to building your app.

Transparent pricing

Allow your app to accept single sign-on from dozens of identity providers with a single integration.

per connection
/ month
Automatic volume discounts
included at no charge
  • Unlimited magic link email sign in
  • OAuth with Microsoft and Google
  • 60 day onboarding support via Slack

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