
March Updates

Sessions, Roles, Impersonation, streaming to Datadog, new JavaScript runtimes support, and Radix Themes 3.0


WorkOS now supports session management, including server-side revocation, custom expiration times, and device profile information.

Learn more about Sessions →


You can now create, assign, and manage custom roles for your users. Roles also auto-populate the Sessions API for a seamless end-to-end integration.

Learn more about Roles →


Impersonation allows you to sign in as one of your users, which can be a powerful way to debug issues. You can do this in a few clicks from the Dashboard.

Learn more about Impersonation →

Stream WorkOS events to Datadog

Many important events happen within WorkOS like user signup, password resets, and role updates. With this Datadog integration, you can stream WorkOS events alongside your other logs for additional monitoring and debugging.

Learn more about Datadog streaming→

Cloudflare Workers and Edge Middleware support

The workos-node library now supports all edge JavaScript runtimes including Deno, Bun, Cloudflare Workers, Vercel, and, of course, Node.js. We’ve also published a Next.js library to make things even easier when working with users, sessions, and roles.

Learn more about new JavaScript runtimes support →

Radix Themes 3.0

With 3.0, our open source component library for building application UIs gets a major upgrade. New components, new layout engine, custom color palette generator, improved out-of-the-box support for Remix and Astro, and docs with guidance on layout and styling.

Learn more about Radix Themes 3.0 →

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