The WorkOS API enables adding Enterprise Ready features to your application. This REST API provides programmatic access to User Management, Single Sign-On, Directory Sync, and Audit Log resources.
Sign in to see code examples customized with your API keys and data.
WorkOS offers native SDKs in several popular programming languages. Choose one language below to see our API Reference in your application’s language.
Don't see an SDK you need? Contact us to request an SDK!
You can test the API directly with cURL, or use the Postman collection for convenience.
Check out the guide about the WorkOS API Postman collection to learn more about it.
WorkOS authenticates your API requests using your account’s API keys. API requests made without authentication or using an incorrect key will return a 401
error. Requests using a valid key but with insufficient permissions will return a 403
error. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Any requests made over plain HTTP will fail.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
You can view and manage your API keys in the WorkOS Dashboard.
API keys can perform any API request to WorkOS. They should be kept secure and private! Be sure to prevent API keys from being made publicly accessible, such as in client-side code, GitHub, unsecured S3 buckets, and so forth. API keys are prefixed with sk_
Your Staging Environment comes with an API key already generated for you. Staging API keys may be viewed as often as they are needed and will appear inline throughout our documentation in code examples if you are logged in to your WorkOS account. API requests will be scoped to the provided key’s Environment.
Once you unlock Production access you will need to generate an API Key for it. Production API keys may only be viewed once and will need to be saved in a secure location upon creation of them.
WorkOS uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of your API requests.
Many top-level resources have support for bulk fetches via list API methods. For instance, you can list connections, list directory users, and list directory groups. These list API methods share a common structure, taking at least these four parameters: limit
, order
, after
, and before
WorkOS utilizes pagination via the after
and before
parameters. Both parameters take an existing object ID value and return objects in either descending or ascending order by creation time.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "object": "connection", "id": "conn_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "organization_id": "org_01EHWNCE74X7JSDV0X3SZ3KJNY", "connection_type": "GoogleOAuth", "name": "Foo Corp", "state": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:08:33.155Z" }, { "object": "connection", "id": "conn_01E2NPPCT7XQ2MVVYDHWGK1WN4", "organization_id": "org_01EHWNCE74X7JSDV0X3SZ3KJNY", "connection_type": "OktaSAML", "name": "Example Co", "state": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:09:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:10:33.155Z" } ], "list_metadata": { "before": "conn_01E2NPPCT7XQ2MVVYDHWGK1WN4", "after": null } }
The WorkOS API supports idempotency which guarantees that performing the same operation multiple times will have the same result as if the operation were performed only once. This is handy in situations where you may need to retry a request due to a failure or prevent accidental duplicate requests from creating more than one resource.
To achieve idempotency, you can add Idempotency-Key
request header to any WorkOS API request with a unique string as the value. Each subsequent request matching this unique string will return the same response. We suggest using v4 UUIDs for idempotency keys to avoid collisions.
curl --request POST \ --url \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ -H "Idempotency-Key: cd320c5c-e928-4212-a5bd-986c29362867" \ -d 'name="Foo Corp"' \ -d 'domains[]=""'
Idempotency keys expire after 24 hours. The WorkOS API will generate a new response if you submit a request with an expired key.
WorkOS APIs are rate limited to ensure that they are fast for everyone. If you find yourself getting 429 errors, double check your integration to make sure you aren’t making unnecessary requests.
Name | Path | Limit |
All requests | * | 6,000 requests per 60 seconds per IP address |
This rate limits applies to all environments, staging and production. Exceptions to the general rate limit are listed below.
Name | Path | Limit |
Get Authorization URL | /sso/authorize | 1,000 requests per 60 seconds per connection |
Name | Path | Limit |
Directory Users | /directory_users | 4 requests per second per directory |
Rate limiting for User Management APIs are enforced on an account basis.
Name | Path | Limit |
Reads | /user_management/* | 1,000 requests per 10 seconds |
Writes | /user_management/* | 500 requests per 10 seconds |
Authentication | /user_management/authenticate | 10 requests per 60 seconds per email or challenge ID |
Magic Auth | /user_management/magic_auth/send | 3 requests per 60 seconds per email |
Email verification | /user_management/:id/email_verification/send | 3 requests per 60 seconds per user |
Password reset | /user_management/password_reset/send | 3 requests per 60 seconds per email |
Name | Limits |
Reads | 1,000 requests per 10 seconds |
Writes | 500 requests per 10 seconds |
SSO sign-ins | 3 requests per 60 seconds per IP address |
Email sign-ins | 10 requests per 60 seconds per email and IP address |
Magic Auth sign-ins | 10 requests per 60 seconds per IP address and challenge ID |
Magic Auth code requests | 3 requests per 60 seconds per IP address and email |
Events represent activity that has occurred within WorkOS or within third-party identity and directory providers. They are used to keep your app in sync with WorkOS data. For more details on consuming events in your app, check out the data syncing guide.
Refer to the Events page for a full list of events that WorkOS emits.
Get a list of all of events up to 30 days old.
curl --request GET --url "" \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "list", "data": [ { "object": "event", "id": "event_01H2GNQD5D7ZE06FDDS75NFPHY", "event": "", "data": { "user": { "id": "directory_user_01E1X56GH84T3FB41SD6PZGDBX", "directory_id": "directory_01ECAZ4NV9QMV47GW873HDCX74", "organization_id": "org_01EZTR6WYX1A0DSE2CYMGXQ24Y", "idp_id": "2936", "emails": [ { "primary": true, "type": "work", "value": "" } ], "first_name": "Eric", "last_name": "Schneider", "job_title": "Software Engineer", "username": "", "state": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "custom_attributes": { "department": "Engineering" }, "role": { "slug": "member" }, "raw_attributes": {} }, "group": { "id": "directory_group_01E1X5GPMMXF4T1DCERMVEEPVW", "idp_id": "02grqrue4294w24", "directory_id": "directory_01ECAZ4NV9QMV47GW873HDCX74", "organization_id": "org_01EZTR6WYX1A0DSE2CYMGXQ24Y", "name": "Developers", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "raw_attributes": {} } }, "created_at": "2023-06-09T18:12:01.837Z" } ], "list_metadata": { "after": "event_01H2GQNMQNH8VRXVR7AEYG9XCJ" } }
An Organization is a top-level resource in WorkOS. Each Connection, Directory, and Audit Trail Event belongs to an Organization. An Organization will usually represent one of your customers.
{ "object": "organization", "id": "org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT", "name": "Foo Corp", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "domains": [ { "object": "organization_domain", "id": "org_domain_01EHZNVPK2QXHMVWCEDQEKY69A", "organization_id": "org_01HE8GSH8FQPASKSY27THRKRBP", "domain": "", "state": "verified", "verification_strategy": "dns", "verification_token": "m5Oztg3jdK4NJLgs8uIlIprMw" } ], "stripe_customer_id": "cus_R9qWAGMQ6nGE7V" }
Get the details of an existing organization.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "id": "org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT", "object": "organization", "name": "Foo Corporation", "allow_profiles_outside_organization": false, "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "domains": [ { "domain": "", "id": "org_domain_01EHZNVPK2QXHMVWCEDQEKY69A", "object": "organization_domain" }, { "domain": "", "id": "org_domain_01EHZNS0H9W90A90FV79GAB6AB", "object": "organization_domain" } ] }
Get a list of all of your existing organizations matching the criteria specified.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "id": "org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT", "object": "organization", "name": "Foo Corp", "allow_profiles_outside_organization": false, "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "domains": [ { "domain": "", "id": "org_domain_01EHZNVPK2QXHMVWCEDQEKY69A", "object": "organization_domain" }, { "domain": "", "id": "org_domain_01EHZNS0H9W90A90FV79GAB6AB", "object": "organization_domain" } ] } ], "list_metadata": { "before": "org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT", "after": "org_01EJBGJT2PC6638TN5Y380M40Z" } }
Creates a new organization in the current environment.
You can include one or more domains to associate with the organization, but you should verify the ownership of every domain before setting its state to verified
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "name": "Foo Corp", "domain_data": [ { "domain": "", "state": "pending" } ] } BODY
{ "id": "org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT", "object": "organization", "name": "Foo Corp", "allow_profiles_outside_organization": false, "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "domains": [ { "domain": "", "id": "org_domain_01EHZNVPK2QXHMVWCEDQEKY69A", "object": "organization_domain" }, { "domain": "", "id": "org_domain_01EHZNS0H9W90A90FV79GAB6AB", "object": "organization_domain" } ] }
Updates an organization in the current environment.
You can include one or more domains to associate with the organization, but you should verify the ownership of every domain before setting its state to verified
curl --request PUT \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "name": "Foo Corp", "domain_data": [ { "domain": "", "state": "verified" } ], "stripe_customer_id": "cus_R9qWAGMQ6nGE7V" } BODY
{ "id": "org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT", "object": "organization", "name": "Foo Corp", "allow_profiles_outside_organization": false, "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "domains": [ { "domain": "", "id": "org_domain_01EHZNVPK2QXHMVWCEDQEKY69A", "object": "organization_domain" }, { "domain": "", "id": "org_domain_01EHZNS0H9W90A90FV79GAB6AB", "object": "organization_domain" } ] }
Permanently deletes an organization in the current environment. It cannot be undone.
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
/organizations /:id
An Organization Domain (also known as a User Email Domain) represents an Organization’s domain.
These domains restrict which email addresses are able to sign in through SAML Connections when allow profiles outside organization is false
. This is the default behavior for Organizations. See SSO frequently asked questions for more details on this behavior.
Organization domains can be verified manually (through the API or the Dashboard), or through a self-serve flow through the Admin Portal.
The organization that defines this domain policy exerts authentication policy control over that domain across your application.
For this reason, it is important to verify ownership of manually added domains.
Additionally, WorkOS does not allow addition of common consumer domains, like
{ "object": "organization_domain", "id": "org_domain_01EHZNVPK2QXHMVWCEDQEKY69A", "organization_id": "org_01HE8GSH8FQPASKSY27THRKRBP", "domain": "", "state": "verified", "verification_strategy": "dns", "verification_token": "m5Oztg3jdK4NJLgs8uIlIprMw" }
A role is an access control resource that can be assigned to organization memberships, directory users, and SSO profiles.
{ "object": "role", "id": "role_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT", "name": "Member", "slug": "member", "description": "Access to basic resources", "permissions": ["posts:read", "posts:write"], "type": "EnvironmentRole", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Get a list of all roles for the provided organization in priority order. Includes all environment and organization roles.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "id": "role_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSRTY", "object": "role", "name": "Admin", "slug": "admin", "description": "Access to all resources", "permissions": ["posts:read", "posts:write"], "type": "EnvironmentRole", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }, { "id": "role_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT", "object": "role", "name": "Member", "slug": "member", "description": "Access to basic resources", "permissions": [], "type": "EnvironmentRole", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }, { "id": "role_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSYUP", "object": "role", "name": "Billing Manager", "slug": "billing-manager", "description": "Access to billing resources", "permissions": ["billing:manage"], "type": "OrganizationRole", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" } ] }
/organizations /:organization_id /roles
A set of user authentication and organization security features designed to provide a fast, scalable integration while handling all of the user management complexity that comes with advanced business and customer needs.
To automatically respond to User Management activities, like authentication and changes related to the users, use the corresponding events.
Represents a user identity in your application. A user can sign up in your application directly with a method like password, or they can be JIT-provisioned through an organization’s SSO connection.
Users may belong to organizations as members.
See the events reference documentation for the user events.
{ "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "last_sign_in_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Get the details of an existing user.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "last_sign_in_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Get a list of all of your existing users matching the criteria specified.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "last_sign_in_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" } ], "list_metadata": { "before": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "after": "user_01EJBGJT2PC6638TN5Y380M40Z" } }
/user_management /users
Create a new user in the current environment.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "email": "", "password": "i8uv6g34kd490s", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": false } BODY
{ "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "last_sign_in_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Updates properties of a user. The omitted properties will be left unchanged.
curl --request PUT \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true } BODY
{ "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "last_sign_in_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Permanently deletes a user in the current environment. It cannot be undone.
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
/user_management /users /:id
Represents User identities obtained from external identity providers.
When a user authenticates using an external provider like Google OAuth, information from that provider will be made available as one of the user’s Identities. You can read more about the process in our identity linking guide.
Applications should check the type
before making assumptions about the shape of the identity. Currently only OAuth
identities are supported, but more types may be added in the future.
{ "idp_id": "4F42ABDE-1E44-4B66-824A-5F733C037A6D", "type": "OAuth", "provider": "MicrosoftOAuth" }
Get a list of identities associated with the user. A user can have multiple associated identities after going through identity linking. Currently only OAuth identities are supported. More provider types may be added in the future.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
[ { "idp_id": "4F42ABDE-1E44-4B66-824A-5F733C037A6D", "type": "OAuth", "provider": "MicrosoftOAuth" } ]
/user_management /users /:id /identities
Generates an OAuth 2.0 authorization URL to authenticate a user with AuthKit or SSO.
curl -G \ -d response_type=code \ -d client_id=client_123456789 \ -d redirect_uri= \ -d state=dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ== \ -d connection_id=conn_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5 response_type=code& client_id=client_123456789& redirect_uri= state=dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ==& connection_id=conn_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5
/user_management /authorize
If you are using AuthKit, set the provider parameter to "authkit"
, which will generate an authorization URL for your AuthKit domain. AuthKit will take care of detecting the user’s authentication method, such as identifying whether they use Email + Password or Single Sign-On,and direct them to the corresponding login flow.
Otherwise, to generate an authorization URL for a WorkOS SSO connection, you’ll have to specify the user’s connection, organization, or OAuth provider as a parameter. These connection selectors are mutually exclusive, and exactly one must be provided. The generated URL automatically directs the user to their identity provider. Once the user authenticates with their identity provider, WorkOS then issues a redirect to your redirect URI to complete the sign-in flow.
In the OAuth 2.0 protocol, a redirect URI is the location that the user is redirected to once they have successfully authenticated with their identity provider.
When redirecting the user, WorkOS will generate an authorization code and pass it to your redirect URI as a code
query parameter, your app will use this code to authenticate the user. Additionally, WorkOS can pass a state
parameter back to your application that you may use to encode arbitrary information to restore your application state between the redirects.
You can use state
to encode parameters like originating URL and query parameters. This is useful in a flow where unauthenticated users are automatically redirected to a login page. After successful sign in, users will be routed to your redirect URI callback route. From there you can extract the originating URL from state
and redirect the user to their intended destination.
You’ll need to configure the allowed redirect URIs for your application via the Redirects page in the dashboard. Without a valid redirect URI, your users will be unable to sign in. Make sure that the redirect URI you use as a parameter to get the authorization URL matches one of the redirect URIs you have configured in the dashboard.
Redirect URIs follow stricter requirements in production environments:
protocol is required in production environmentsHTTP
and localhost
are allowed in staging environmentsThe Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) flow is an extension to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code flow. It enables public clients, like native apps or single-page apps, to perform the authorization code flow securely. If you are developing a client that makes API calls in public, you’ll need to use this flow.
In this flow, your client generates a code verifier which is a high-entropy cryptographic random string. A code challenge is derived by hashing the code verifier. Instead of using a client secret, provide the code challenge when getting the authorization URL and the code verifier when authenticating a User.
If there is an issue generating an authorization URL, the API will return the original redirect URI with error
and error_description
query parameters. If provided, the state
value will also be included.
Possible error codes and the corresponding descriptions are listed below.
Error code | Description |
access_denied | The user denied an OAuth authorization request at the identity provider. |
ambiguous_connection_selector | A connection could not be uniquely identified using the provided connection selector (e.g., organization). This can occur when there are multiple SSO connections under the same organization. If you need multiple SSO connections for an organization, use the connection parameter to identify which connection to use for SSO. |
connection_invalid | There is no connection for the provided ID. |
connection_strategy_invalid | The provider has multiple strategies associated per environment. |
connection_unlinked | The connection associated with the request is unlinked. |
invalid_connection_selector | A valid connection selector query parameter must be provided in order to correctly determine the proper connection to return an authorization URL for. Valid connection selectors are either connection , organization , or provider . |
organization_invalid | There is no organization matching the provided ID. |
oauth_failed | An OAuth authorization request failed for a user. |
server_error | The SSO authentication failed for the user. More detailed errors and steps to resolve are available in the Sessions tab on the connection page in the WorkOS Dashboard. |
Authenticates a user using AuthKit, OAuth or an organization’s SSO connection.
AuthKit handles all authentication methods, however it is conceptually similar to a social login experience. Like OAuth and SSO, AuthKit returns you a code that you can exchange for an authenticated user. See Integrating with AuthKit.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "client_id": "client_123456789", "client_secret": "sk_example_123456789", "grant_type": "authorization_code", "code": "01E2RJ4C05B52KKZ8FSRDAP23J", "ip_address": "", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" } BODY
{ "user": { "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }, "organization_id": "org_01H945H0YD4F97JN9MATX7BYAG", "access_token": "eyJhb.nNzb19vaWRjX2tleV9.lc5Uk4yWVk5In0", "refresh_token": "yAjhKk123NLIjdrBdGZPf8pLIDvK", "impersonator": { "email": "", "reason": "Investigating an issue with the customer's account." } }
/user_management /authenticate
Authenticates a user with email and password.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "client_id": "client_123456789", "client_secret": "sk_example_123456789", "grant_type": "password", "email": "", "password": "i8uv6g34kd490s", "ip_address": "", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" } BODY
{ "user": { "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }, "organization_id": "org_01H945H0YD4F97JN9MATX7BYAG", "access_token": "eyJhb.nNzb19vaWRjX2tleV9.lc5Uk4yWVk5In0", "refresh_token": "yAjhKk123NLIjdrBdGZPf8pLIDvK" }
/user_management /authenticate
Authenticates a user by verifying the Magic Auth code sent to the user’s email.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "client_id": "client_123456789", "client_secret": "sk_example_123456789", "grant_type": "urn:workos:oauth:grant-type:magic-auth:code", "code": "123456", "email": "", "ip_address": "", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" } BODY
{ "user": { "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }, "organization_id": "org_01H945H0YD4F97JN9MATX7BYAG" }
/user_management /authenticate
Use this endpoint to exchange a refresh token for a new access token. Refresh tokens are single use, so a new refresh token is returned.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "client_id": "client_123456789", "client_secret": "sk_test_123", "grant_type": "refresh_token", "refresh_token": "Xw0NsCVXMBf7svAoIoKBmkpEK", "ip_address": "", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:123.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/123.0" } BODY
{ "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6", "refresh_token": "gTsE0Rb9MJq7eL0dUmcGvoCwL" }
/user_management /authenticate
Authenticates a user with an unverified email and verifies their email address.
A user with an unverified email address won’t be able to authenticate right away. When they attempt to authenticate with their credentials, the API will return an email verification required error that contains a pending authentication token.
If the email setting for email verification is enabled, WorkOS will automatically send a one-time email verification code to the user’s email address. If the email setting is not enabled, retrieve the email verification code to send the email yourself. Use the pending authentication token from the error and the one-time code the user received to authenticate them and to complete the email verification process.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "client_id": "client_123456789", "client_secret": "sk_example_123456789", "grant_type": "urn:workos:oauth:grant-type:email-verification:code", "code": "123456", "pending_authentication_token": "ql1AJgNoLN1tb9llaQ8jyC2dn", "ip_address": "", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" } BODY
{ "user": { "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }, "organization_id": "org_01H945H0YD4F97JN9MATX7BYAG" }
/user_management /authenticate
Authenticates a user enrolled into MFA using time-based one-time password (TOTP).
Users enrolled into MFA are required to enter a TOTP each time they sign in. When they attempt to authenticate with their credentials, the API will return an MFA challenge error that contains a pending authentication token.
To continue with the authentication flow, challenge one of the factors returned by the MFA challenge error response and present a UI to the user to enter the TOTP code. Then, authenticate the user with the TOTP code, the challenge from the factor, and the pending authentication token from the MFA challenge error.
MFA can be enabled via the Authentication page in the WorkOS dashboard.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "client_id": "client_123456789", "client_secret": "sk_example_123456789", "grant_type": "urn:workos:oauth:grant-type:mfa-totp", "code": "123456", "pending_authentication_token": "ql1AJgNoLN1tb9llaQ8jyC2dn", "authenticationChallengeId": "auth_challenge_01FVYZWQTZQ5VB6BC5MPG2EYC5", "ip_address": "", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" } BODY
{ "user": { "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }, "organization_id": "org_01H945H0YD4F97JN9MATX7BYAG" }
/user_management /authenticate
Authenticates a user into an organization they are a member of.
When a user who is a member of multiple organizations attempts to authenticate with their credentials, the API will return an organization selection error that contains a pending authentication token. To continue with the authentication flow, your application should display the list of organizations for the user to choose.
Use the pending authentication token from the error and the organization the user selected in your UI to complete the authentication.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "client_id": "client_123456789", "client_secret": "sk_example_123456789", "grant_type": "urn:workos:oauth:grant-type:organization-selection", "pending_authentication_token": "ql1AJgNoLN1tb9llaQ8jyC2dn", "organization_id": "org_01H93Z2SYX1D3NJ536M94T8SHP", "ip_address": "", "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" } BODY
{ "user": { "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }, "organization_id": "org_01H945H0YD4F97JN9MATX7BYAG" }
/user_management /authenticate
Authenticates a user using an AuthKit session cookie. This method does not make a network call, but simply unseals an existing session cookie and decodes the JWT claims from the access token.
import { AuthenticateWithSessionCookieFailureReason, WorkOS, } from '@workos-inc/node'; const workos = new WorkOS('sk_example_123456789', { // clientId is required to be passed in to use the authenticateWithSessionCookie method clientId: 'client_123456789', }); const { authenticated, ...restOfAuthenticationResponse } = await workos.userManagement.authenticateWithSessionCookie({ sessionData: 'sealed_session_cookie_data', cookiePassword: 'password_previously_used_to_seal_session_cookie', }); if (authenticated) { // User is authenticated and session data can be utilized const { sessionId, organizationId, role, permissions } = restOfAuthenticationResponse; } else { const { reason } = restOfAuthenticationResponse; // Can use AuthenticateWithSessionCookieFailureReason to handle failure reasons if ( reason === AuthenticateWithSessionCookieFailureReason.NO_SESSION_COOKIE_PROVIDED ) { // Redirect the user to the login page } }
{ "authenticated": true, "session_id": "session_01HQSXZGF8FHF7A9ZZFCW4387R", "organization_id": "org_01H945H0YD4F97JN9MATX7BYAG", "role": "member", "permissions": ["posts:read", "posts:write"] }
{ "authenticated": false, "reason": "invalid_session_cookie" }
userManagement .authenticateWithSessionCookie()
Unseals the provided session data from a user’s session cookie, authenticates with the existing refresh token, and returns the sealed data for the refreshed session.
import { RefreshAndSealSessionDataFailureReason, WorkOS, } from '@workos-inc/node'; const workos = new WorkOS('sk_example_123456789', { // clientId is required to be passed in to use the refreshAndSealSessionData method clientId: 'client_123456789', }); const { authenticated, ...restOfRefreshResponse } = await workos.userManagement.refreshAndSealSessionData({ sessionData: 'sealed_session_cookie_data', cookiePassword: 'password_previously_used_to_seal_session_cookie', }); if (authenticated) { const { sealedSession } = restOfRefreshResponse; // Set the sealed session in a cookie } else { const { reason } = restOfRefreshResponse; // Can use RefreshAndSealSessionDataFailureReason to handle failure reasons if ( reason === RefreshAndSealSessionDataFailureReason.NO_SESSION_COOKIE_PROVIDED ) { // Redirect the user to the login page } }
{ "authenticated": true, "sealed_session": "Fe26.2*1*d7f59d8b9d29c26c44dd3df2b56a7d1d40d4" }
{ "authenticated": false, "reason": "invalid_session_cookie" }
userManagement .refreshAndSealSessionData()
This hosts the public key that is used for verifying access tokens.
/sso /jwks
The access token that is returned in successful authentication responses is a JWT that can be used to verify that a user has an active session. The JWT is signed by a JWKS which can be retrieved from the WorkOS API.
{ "iss": "", "sub": "user_01HBEQKA6K4QJAS93VPE39W1JT", "act": { "sub": "" }, "org_id": "org_01HRDMC6CM357W30QMHMQ96Q0S", "role": "member", "permissions": ["posts:read", "posts:write"], "entitlements": ["audit-logs"], "sid": "session_01HQSXZGF8FHF7A9ZZFCW4387R", "jti": "01HQSXZXPPFPKMDD32RKTFY6PV", "exp": 1709193857, "iat": 1709193557 }
Access Token JWT
The refresh token can be used to obtain a new access token using the authenticate with refresh token endpoint. Refresh tokens may only be used once. Refreshes will succeed as long as the user’s session is still active.
After authenticating and storing the encrypted session as a cookie, retrieving and decrypting the session is made easy via the session helper methods.
Load the session by providing the sealed session and the cookie password.
import { WorkOS } from '@workos-inc/node'; const workos = new WorkOS('sk_example_123456789', { clientId: 'client_123456789', }); const session = await workos.userManagement.loadSealedSession({ sessionData: 'sealed_session_cookie_data', cookiePassword: 'password_previously_used_to_seal_session_cookie', });
userManagement .loadSealedSession()
Unseals the session data and checks if the session is still valid.
import { WorkOS } from '@workos-inc/node'; const workos = new WorkOS('sk_example_123456789', { clientId: 'client_123456789', }); const session = await workos.userManagement.loadSealedSession({ sessionData: 'sealed_session_cookie_data', cookiePassword: 'password_previously_used_to_seal_session_cookie', }); const authResponse = await session.authenticate(); if (authResponse.authenticated) { // User is authenticated and session data can be used const { sessionId, organizationId, role, permissions, user } = authResponse; } else { if (authResponse.reason === 'no_session_cookie_provided') { // Redirect the user to the login page } }
session .authenticate()
Refreshes the user’s session with the refresh token. Passing in a new organization ID will switch the user to that organization.
import { WorkOS } from '@workos-inc/node'; const workos = new WorkOS('sk_example_123456789', { clientId: 'client_123456789', }); const session = await workos.userManagement.loadSealedSession({ sessionData: 'sealed_session_cookie_data', cookiePassword: 'password_previously_used_to_seal_session_cookie', }); const refreshResult = await session.refresh(); if (!refreshResult.authenticated) { // Redirect the user to the login page } const { session: userSession, sealedSession, user, organizationId, role, permissions, entitlements, impersonator, } = refreshResult; // Use claims and userSession for further business logic // Set the sealedSession in a cookie
session .refresh()
End a user’s session. The user’s browser should be redirected to this URL. Functionally similar to Get logout URL but extracts the session ID automatically from the session data.
import { WorkOS } from '@workos-inc/node'; const workos = new WorkOS('sk_example_123456789', { clientId: 'client_123456789', }); const session = await workos.userManagement.loadSealedSession({ sessionData: 'sealed_session_cookie_data', cookiePassword: 'password_previously_used_to_seal_session_cookie', }); const logOutUrl = await session.getLogOutUrl(); // Redirect the user to the log out URL
session .getLogOutUrl()
Integrating the authentication API directly requires handling error responses for email verification, MFA challenges, identity linking, and organization selection. One or more of these responses may be returned for an authentication attempt with any authentication method.
Hosted AuthKit handles authentication errors for you and may be a good choice if you prefer a simpler integration.
This error indicates that a user with an unverified email address attempted to authenticate in an environment where email verification is required. It includes a pending authentication token that should be used to complete the authentication.
{ "code": "email_verification_required", "message": "Email ownership must be verified before authentication.", "pending_authentication_token": "YQyCkYfuVw2mI3tzSrk2C1Y7S", "email": "", "email_verification_id": "email_verification_01HYGGEB6FYMWQNWF3XDZG7VV3" }
When this error occurs and the email setting for email verification is enabled, WorkOS will automatically send a one-time email verification code to the user’s email address and issue a pending authentication token. If the email setting is not enabled, retrieve the email verification code to send the email verification email yourself. To complete the authentication process, use the pending authentication token from the error and the one-time code the user received to authenticate them and to verify their email address.
The same applies when a user attempts to authenticate with OAuth or SSO, but there was already an account with a matching unverified email address.
This error indicates that a user who is not enrolled into MFA attempted to authenticate in an environment where MFA is required. It includes a pending authentication token that should be used to authenticate the user once they enroll into MFA.
{ "code": "mfa_enrollment", "message": "The user must enroll in MFA to finish authenticating.", "pending_authentication_token": "YQyCkYfuVw2mI3tzSrk2C1Y7S", "user": { "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19: 07: 33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19: 07: 33.155Z" } }
When this error occurs, you’ll need to present an MFA enrollment UI to the user. Once the user has enrolled, present an MFA challenge UI to the user and authenticate them with their TOTP code and the pending authentication token from this error.
MFA can be enabled via the Authentication page in the WorkOS dashboard.
This error indicates that a user enrolled into MFA attempted to authenticate in an environment where MFA is required. It includes a pending authentication token and a list of factors that the user is enrolled in that should be used to complete the authentication.
{ "code": "mfa_challenge", "message": "The user must complete an MFA challenge to finish authenticating.", "pending_authentication_token": "YQyCkYfuVw2mI3tzSrk2C1Y7S", "authentication_factors": [ { "id": "auth_factor_01FVYZ5QM8N98T9ME5BCB2BBMJ", "type": "totp" } ], "user": { "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" } }
When this error occurs, you’ll need to present an MFA challenge UI to the user and authenticate them with their TOTP code, the pending authentication token from this error, and a challenge that corresponds to one of the authentication factors.
MFA can be enabled via the Authentication page in the WorkOS dashboard.
This error indicates that the user is a member of multiple organizations and must select which organization to sign in to. It includes a list of organizations the user is a member of and a pending authentication token that should be used to complete the authentication.
{ "code": "organization_selection_required", "message": "The user must choose an organization to finish their authentication.", "pending_authentication_token": "YQyCkYfuVw2mI3tzSrk2C1Y7S", "organizations": [ { "id": "org_01H93RZAP85YGYZJXYPAZ9QTXF", "name": "Foo Corp" }, { "id": "org_01H93S4E6GB5A8PFNKGTA4S42X", "name": "Bar Corp" } ], "user": { "object": "user", "id": "user_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "email_verified": true, "profile_picture_url": "", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" } }
When this error occurs, you’ll need to display the list of organizations that the user is a member of and authenticate them with the selected organization using the pending authentication token from the error.
This error indicates that a user attempted to authenticate into an organization that requires SSO using a different authentication method. It includes a list of SSO connections that may be used to complete the authentication.
{ "error": "sso_required", "error_description": "User must authenticate using one of the matching connections.", "connection_ids": ["conn_01DRF1T7JN6GXS8KHS0WYWX1YD"] }
When this error occurs, you’ll need to use one of the SSO connections from the error to get the authorization URL and redirect the user to that URL to complete the authentication with the organization’s identity provider.
This error indicates that a user attempted to authenticate with an authentication method that is not allowed by the organization that has a domain policy managing this user. It includes all the possible methods the user can use to authenticate.
{ "error": "organization_authentication_methods_required", "error_description": "User must authenticate using one of the methods allowed by the organization.", "sso_connection_ids": ["conn_01DRF1T7JN6GXS8KHS0WYWX1YD"], "auth_methods": { "apple_oauth": false, "github_oauth": false, "google_oauth": true, "magic_auth": false, "microsoft_oauth": false, "password": false } }
When this error occurs, you’ll need to present the user with these options so they can choose which method to continue authentication.
Magic Auth is a passwordless authentication method that allows users to sign in or sign up via a unique, six digit one-time-use code sent to their email inbox. To verify the code, authenticate the user with Magic Auth.
{ "id": "magic_auth_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "user_id": "user_01HWWYEH2NPT48X82ZT23K5AX4", "email": "", "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "code": "123456", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Get the details of an existing Magic Auth code that can be used to send an email to a user for authentication.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "id": "magic_auth_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "user_id": "user_01HWWYEH2NPT48X82ZT23K5AX4", "email": "", "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "code": "123456", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Creates a one-time authentication code that can be sent to the user’s email address. The code expires in 10 minutes. To verify the code, authenticate the user with Magic Auth.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ -d email=""
{ "id": "magic_auth_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "user_id": "user_01HWWYEH2NPT48X82ZT23K5AX4", "email": "", "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "code": "123456", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Enroll users in multi-factor authentication for an additional layer of security. MFA can be enabled via the Authentication page in the WorkOS dashboard.
Represents an authentication factor.
{ "object": "authentication_factor", "id": "auth_factor_01FVYZ5QM8N98T9ME5BCB2BBMJ", "created_at": "2022-02-15T15:14:19.392Z", "updated_at": "2022-02-15T15:14:19.392Z", "type": "totp", "totp": { "issuer": "Foo Corp", "user": "", "qr_code": "data:image/png;base64,{base64EncodedPng}", "secret": "NAGCCFS3EYRB422HNAKAKY3XDUORMSRF", "uri": "otpauth://totp/" }, "userId": "user_01FVYZ5QM8N98T9ME5BCB2BBMJ" }
Represents a challenge of an authentication factor.
{ "object": "authentication_challenge", "id": "auth_challenge_01FVYZWQTZQ5VB6BC5MPG2EYC5", "created_at": "2022-02-15T15:26:53.274Z", "updated_at": "2022-02-15T15:26:53.274Z", "expires_at": "2022-02-15T15:36:53.279Z", "authentication_factor_id": "auth_factor_01FVYZ5QM8N98T9ME5BCB2BBMJ" }
Enrolls a user in a new authentication factor.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "type": "totp", "totp_issuer": "Foo Corp", "totp_user": "" } BODY
/user_management /users /:id /auth_factors
Lists the authentication factors for a user.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
/user_management /users /:id /auth_factors
Email verification is a security feature that requires users to verify their email address before they can sign in to your application. It is enabled by default.
Users signing in with Magic Auth, Google OAuth, Apple OAuth, or SSO are automatically verified. For other authentication methods, an email verification flow is required to confirm that the user’s email address belongs to them.
{ "id": "email_verification_01HYGGEB6FYMWQNWF3XDZG7VV3", "user_id": "user_01HWWYEH2NPT48X82ZT23K5AX4", "email": "", "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "code": "123456", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Get the details of an existing email verification code that can be used to send an email to a user for verification.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "id": "email_verification_01HYGGEB6FYMWQNWF3XDZG7VV3", "user_id": "user_01HWWYEH2NPT48X82ZT23K5AX4", "email": "", "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "code": "123456", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Create a password reset token for a user and reset the user’s password.
When a user’s password is reset, all of their active sessions are revoked.
{ "id": "password_reset_01HYGDNK5G7FZ4YJFXYXPB5JRW", "user_id": "user_01HWWYEH2NPT48X82ZT23K5AX4", "email": "", "password_reset_token": "Z1uX3RbwcIl5fIGJJJCXXisdI", "password_reset_url": "", "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Get the details of an existing password reset token that can be used to reset a user’s password.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "id": "password_reset_01HYGDNK5G7FZ4YJFXYXPB5JRW", "user_id": "user_01HWWYEH2NPT48X82ZT23K5AX4", "email": "", "password_reset_token": "Z1uX3RbwcIl5fIGJJJCXXisdI", "password_reset_url": "", "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Creates a one-time token that can be used to reset a user’s password.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ -d email=""
{ "id": "password_reset_01HYGDNK5G7FZ4YJFXYXPB5JRW", "user_id": "user_01HWWYEH2NPT48X82ZT23K5AX4", "email": "", "password_reset_token": "Z1uX3RbwcIl5fIGJJJCXXisdI", "password_reset_url": "", "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Sets a new password using the token
query parameter from the link that the user received. Successfully resetting the password will verify a user’s email, if it hasn’t been verified yet.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "token": "stpIJ48IFJt0HhSIqjf8eppe0", "new_password": "i8uv6g34kd490s" } BODY
/user_management /password_reset /confirm
An organization membership is a top-level resource that represents a user’s relationship with an organization. A user may be a member of zero, one, or many organizations.
See the events reference documentation for the organization membership events.
{ "object": "organization_membership", "id": "om_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "user_id": "user_01E4ZCR3C5A4QZ2Z2JQXGKZJ9E", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "role": { "slug": "admin" }, "status": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Get the details of an existing organization membership.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "organization_membership", "id": "om_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "user_id": "user_01E4ZCR3C5A4QZ2Z2JQXGKZJ9E", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "role": { "slug": "member" }, "status": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Get a list of all organization memberships matching the criteria specified. By default only active memberships are returned. Use the statuses
parameter to filter by other statuses.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "object": "organization_membership", "id": "om_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "user_id": "user_01E4ZCR3C5A4QZ2Z2JQXGKZJ9E", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "role": { "slug": "member" }, "status": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" } ], "list_metadata": { "before": "om_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "after": "om_01EJBGJT2PC6638TN5Y380M40Z" } }
/user_management /organization_memberships
Creates a new active
organization membership for the given organization and user.
Calling this API with an organization and user that match an inactive
organization membership will activate the membership with the specified role.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ -d user_id="user_01E4ZCR3C5A4QZ2Z2JQXGKZJ9E" \ -d organization_id="org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5" \ -d role_slug="admin"
{ "object": "organization_membership", "id": "om_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "user_id": "user_01E4ZCR3C5A4QZ2Z2JQXGKZJ9E", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "role": { "slug": "admin" }, "status": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Update the details of an existing organization membership.
curl --request PUT \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "role_slug": "admin" } BODY
{ "object": "organization_membership", "id": "om_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "user_id": "user_01E4ZCR3C5A4QZ2Z2JQXGKZJ9E", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "role": { "slug": "admin" }, "status": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-27T19:07:33.278Z" }
Permanently deletes an existing organization membership. It cannot be undone.
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
/user_management /organization_memberships /:id
Deactivates an active
organization membership. Emits an organization_membership.updated event upon successful deactivation.
membership is a no-op and does not emit an event.pending
membership returns an error. This membership should be deleted instead.See the membership management documentation for additional details.
curl --request PUT \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "organization_membership", "id": "om_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "user_id": "user_01E4ZCR3C5A4QZ2Z2JQXGKZJ9E", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "role": { "slug": "member" }, "status": "inactive", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
/user_management /organization_memberships /:id /deactivate
Reactivates an inactive
organization membership, retaining the pre-existing role. Emits an organization_membership.updated event upon successful reactivation.
membership is a no-op and does not emit an event.pending
membership returns an error. The user needs to accept the invitation instead.See the membership management documentation for additional details.
curl --request PUT \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "organization_membership", "id": "om_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "user_id": "user_01E4ZCR3C5A4QZ2Z2JQXGKZJ9E", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "role": { "slug": "member" }, "status": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
/user_management /organization_memberships /:id /reactivate
An email invitation allows the recipient to sign up for your app and join a specific organization. When an invitation is accepted, a user and a corresponding organization membership are created.
Users may be invited to your app without joining an organization, or they may be invited to join an organization if they already have an account. Invitations may be also issued on behalf of another user. In this case, the invitation email will mention the name of the user who invited the recipient.
{ "id": "invitation_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "state": "pending", "accepted_at": null, "revoked_at": null, "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "token": "Z1uX3RbwcIl5fIGJJJCXXisdI", "accept_invitation_url": "", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "inviter_user_id": "user_01HYGBX8ZGD19949T3BM4FW1C3", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Get the details of an existing invitation.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "invitation", "id": "invitation_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "state": "pending", "accepted_at": null, "revoked_at": null, "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "token": "Z1uX3RbwcIl5fIGJJJCXXisdI", "accept_invitation_url": "", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "inviter_user_id": "user_01HYGBX8ZGD19949T3BM4FW1C3", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Retrieve an existing invitation using the token.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "invitation", "id": "invitation_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "state": "pending", "accepted_at": null, "revoked_at": null, "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "token": "Z1uX3RbwcIl5fIGJJJCXXisdI", "accept_invitation_url": "", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "inviter_user_id": "user_01HYGBX8ZGD19949T3BM4FW1C3", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Get a list of all of invitations matching the criteria specified.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "object": "invitation", "id": "invitation_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "state": "pending", "accepted_at": null, "revoked_at": null, "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "token": "Z1uX3RbwcIl5fIGJJJCXXisdI", "accept_invitation_url": "", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "inviter_user_id": "user_01HYGBX8ZGD19949T3BM4FW1C3", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" } ], "list_metadata": { "before": "invitation_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "after": "invitation_01EJBGJT2PC6638TN5Y380M40Z" } }
/user_management /invitations
Sends an invitation email to the recipient.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ -d email=""
{ "object": "invitation", "id": "invitation_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "state": "pending", "accepted_at": null, "revoked_at": null, "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "token": "Z1uX3RbwcIl5fIGJJJCXXisdI", "accept_invitation_url": "", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "inviter_user_id": "user_01HYGBX8ZGD19949T3BM4FW1C3", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Accepts an invitation and, if linked to an organization, activates the user’s membership in that organization.
In most cases, use existing authentication methods like authenticateWithCode
, which also accept an invitation token. These methods offer the same functionality (invitation acceptance and membership activation) while also signing the user in.
This method is useful for apps requiring a highly customized invitation flow, as it focuses solely on handling invitations without authentication. It’s also helpful when users can be invited to multiple organizations and need a way to accept invitations after signing in.
Your application should verify that the invitation is intended for the user accepting it. For example, by fetching the invitation using the find-by-token endpoint and ensuring the email matches the email address of the accepting user.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "invitation", "id": "invitation_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "state": "accepted", "accepted_at": "2021-06-27T19:07:33.155Z", "revoked_at": null, "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "token": "Z1uX3RbwcIl5fIGJJJCXXisdI", "accept_invitation_url": "", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "inviter_user_id": "user_01HYGBX8ZGD19949T3BM4FW1C3", "accepted_user_id": "user_01JBJDMMV04RSWPG30MQE8ADFV", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Revokes an existing invitation.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "invitation", "id": "invitation_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "email": "", "state": "revoked", "accepted_at": null, "revoked_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "expires_at": "2021-07-01T19:07:33.155Z", "token": "Z1uX3RbwcIl5fIGJJJCXXisdI", "accept_invitation_url": "", "organization_id": "org_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "inviter_user_id": "user_01HYGBX8ZGD19949T3BM4FW1C3", "accepted_user_id": null, "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
curl -G \ -d session_id=session_01HQAG1HENBZMAZD82YRXDFC0B \ -d return_to= session_id=session_01HQAG1HENBZMAZD82YRXDFC0B&
/user_management /sessions /logout
Generates the logout URL by extracting the session ID from the session cookie. Use this over getLogoutUrl
if you don’t have a saved reference to the session ID and you’d like the SDK to handle extracting the session ID from the cookie for you.
import { WorkOS } from '@workos-inc/node'; const workos = new WorkOS('sk_test_123'); const logoutUrl = workos.userManagement.getLogoutUrlFromSessionCookie({ sessionData: 'sealed_session_cookie_data', cookiePassword: 'password_previously_used_to_seal_session_cookie', }); session_id=session_01HQAG1HENBZMAZD82YRXDFC0B
userManagement .getLogoutUrlFromSessionCookie()
The Single Sign-On API has been modeled to meet the OAuth 2.0 framework specification. As a result, authentication flows constructed using the Single Sign-On API replicate the OAuth 2.0 protocol flow.
To automatically respond to changes in your SSO connections, use the Connection events.
Generates an OAuth 2.0 authorization URL to authenticate a user with SSO.
curl -G \ -d response_type=code \ -d client_id=client_123456789 \ -d redirect_uri= \ -d state=dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ== \ -d connection=conn_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5 response_type=code& client_id=client_123456789& redirect_uri= state=dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ==& connection=conn_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5
/sso /authorize
You’ll have to specify the user’s connection, organization, or OAuth provider as a parameter. These connection selectors are mutually exclusive, and exactly one must be provided. The generated URL automatically directs the user to their identity provider. Once the user authenticates with their identity provider, WorkOS then issues a redirect to your redirect URI to complete the sign-in flow.
In the OAuth 2.0 protocol, a redirect URI is the location that the user is redirected to once they have successfully authenticated with their identity provider.
When redirecting the user, WorkOS will generate an authorization code and pass it to your redirect URI as a code
query parameter, your app will use this code to get the user’s profile. Additionally, WorkOS can pass a state
parameter back to your application that you may use to encode arbitrary information to restore your application state between the redirects.
You’ll need to configure the allowed redirect URIs for your application via the Redirects page in the dashboard. Without a valid redirect URI, your users will be unable to sign in. Make sure that the redirect URI you use as a parameter to get the authorization URL matches one of the redirect URIs you have configured in the dashboard.
Redirect URIs follow stricter requirements in production environments:
protocol is required in production environmentsHTTP
and localhost
are allowed in staging environmentsIf there is an issue generating an authorization URL, the API will return the original redirect URI with error
and error_description
query parameters. If provided, the state
value will also be included.
Possible error codes and the corresponding descriptions are listed below.
Error code | Description |
access_denied | The user denied an OAuth authorization request at the identity provider. |
ambiguous_connection_selector | A connection could not be uniquely identified using the provided connection selector (e.g., organization). This can occur when there are multiple SSO connections under the same organization. If you need multiple SSO connections for an organization, use the connection parameter to identify which connection to use for SSO. |
connection_domain_invalid | There is no connection for the provided domain. |
connection_invalid | There is no connection for the provided ID. |
connection_strategy_invalid | The provider has multiple strategies associated per environment. |
connection_unlinked | The connection associated with the request is unlinked. |
domain_connection_selector_not_allowed | This is a legacy error code that only applies if using the deprecated “domain” query parameter which is no longer valid for this endpoint. Use the “organization” or “connection” query parameters to target a connection instead. |
invalid_connection_selector | A valid connection selector query parameter must be provided in order to correctly determine the proper connection to return an authorization URL for. Valid connection selectors are either connection , organization , or provider . |
organization_invalid | There is no organization matching the provided ID. |
oauth_failed | An OAuth authorization request failed for a user. |
profile_not_allowed_outside_organization | A profile was received that has an email that is outside the organization’s domain and the organization does not allow this. To resolve this, add the missing domain to the organization’s Domains. You can read about other options in the SSO Domains guide. |
server_error | The SSO authentication failed for the user. More detailed errors and steps to resolve are available in the Sessions tab on the connection page in the WorkOS Dashboard. |
A Profile is an object that represents an authenticated user. The Profile object contains information relevant to a user in the form of normalized attributes.
After receiving the Profile for an authenticated user, use the Profile object attributes to persist relevant data to your application’s user model for the specific, authenticated user.
No Profile attributes can be returned other than the normalized attributes listed below.
{ "object": "profile", "id": "prof_01DMC79VCBZ0NY2099737PSVF1", "connection_id": "conn_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "connection_type": "OktaSAML", "organization_id": "org_01EHWNCE74X7JSDV0X3SZ3KJNY", "email": "", "first_name": "Todd", "last_name": "Rundgren", "idp_id": "00u1a0ufowBJlzPlk357", "role": { "slug": "admin" }, "raw_attributes": {} }
Get an access token along with the user Profile using the code passed to your Redirect URI.
curl -X POST "" \ -d 'client_id=client_123456789' \ -d 'client_secret=sk_example_123456789' \ -d 'grant_type=authorization_code' \ -d 'code=01E2RJ4C05B52KKZ8FSRDAP23J'
{ "access_token": "01DMEK0J53CVMC32CK5SE0KZ8Q", "profile": { "object": "profile", "id": "prof_01DMC79VCBZ0NY2099737PSVF1", "connection_id": "conn_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "connection_type": "OktaSAML", "organization_id": "org_01EHWNCE74X7JSDV0X3SZ3KJNY", "email": "", "first_name": "Todd", "last_name": "Rundgren", "idp_id": "00u1a0ufowBJlzPlk357", "role": { "slug": "admin" }, "raw_attributes": {} } }
/sso /token
Exchange an access token for a user’s Profile. Because this profile is returned in the Get a Profile and Token endpoint your application usually does not need to call this endpoint. It is available for any authentication flows that require an additional endpoint to retrieve a user’s profile.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer 01DMEK0J53CVMC32CK5SE0KZ8Q"
{ "object": "profile", "id": "prof_01DMC79VCBZ0NY2099737PSVF1", "connection_id": "conn_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "connection_type": "OktaSAML", "organization_id": "org_01EHWNCE74X7JSDV0X3SZ3KJNY", "email": "", "first_name": "Todd", "last_name": "Rundgren", "idp_id": "00u1a0ufowBJlzPlk357", "role": { "slug": "admin" }, "raw_attributes": {} }
A connection represents the relationship between WorkOS and any collection of application users. This collection of application users may include personal or enterprise identity providers. As a layer of abstraction, a WorkOS connection rests between an application and its users, separating an application from the implementation details required by specific standards like OAuth 2.0 and SAML.
See the events reference documentation for the connection events.
{ "object": "connection", "id": "conn_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "organization_id": "org_01EHWNCE74X7JSDV0X3SZ3KJNY", "connection_type": "OktaSAML", "name": "Foo Corp", "state": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "domains": [ { "id": "org_domain_01EHZNVPK2QXHMVWCEDQEKY69A", "object": "connection_domain", "domain": "" } ] }
Get the details of an existing connection.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "connection", "id": "conn_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "organization_id": "org_01EHWNCE74X7JSDV0X3SZ3KJNY", "connection_type": "OktaSAML", "name": "Foo Corp", "state": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "domains": [ { "id": "org_domain_01EHZNVPK2QXHMVWCEDQEKY69A", "object": "connection_domain", "domain": "" } ] }
Get a list of all of your existing connections matching the criteria specified.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "object": "connection", "id": "conn_01E4ZCR3C56J083X43JQXF3JK5", "organization_id": "org_01EHWNCE74X7JSDV0X3SZ3KJNY", "connection_type": "GoogleOAuth", "name": "Foo Corp", "state": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:08:33.155Z" }, { "object": "connection", "id": "conn_01E2NPPCT7XQ2MVVYDHWGK1WN4", "organization_id": "org_01EHWNCE74X7JSDV0X3SZ3KJNY", "connection_type": "OktaSAML", "name": "Example Co", "state": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:09:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:10:33.155Z" } ], "list_metadata": { "before": "conn_01E2NPPCT7XQ2MVVYDHWGK1WN4", "after": null } }
Permanently deletes an existing connection. It cannot be undone.
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
/connections /:id
Directory Sync allows you to connect with directory providers to inform your application of any changes in their users, groups, or access rules.
Using Directory Sync, one integration grants your application the ability to support multiple directory providers. Get real-time updates of any changes to the organization’s access rules, groups, and users by integrating webhooks into your application.
To automatically respond to changes in the connected directories and their users and groups, use the Directory Sync events.
A directory stores information about an organization’s employee management system.
Synchronizing with a directory enables you to receive changes to an organization’s user and group structure.
Directory providers vary in implementation details and may require different sets of fields for integration, such as API keys, subdomains, endpoints, usernames, etc. Where available, the WorkOS API will provide these fields when fetching directory records.
{ "id": "directory_01ECAZ4NV9QMV47GW873HDCX74", "domain": "", "name": "Foo Corp", "organization_id": "org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT", "state": "unlinked", "type": "gsuite directory", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Get the details of an existing directory.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "id": "directory_01ECAZ4NV9QMV47GW873HDCX74", "domain": "", "name": "Foo Corp", "organization_id": "org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT", "state": "unlinked", "type": "gsuite directory", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }
Get a list of all of your existing directories matching the criteria specified.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "id": "directory_01ECAZ4NV9QMV47GW873HDCX74", "domain": "", "name": "Foo Corp", "organization_id": "org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT", "object": "directory", "state": "unlinked", "type": "gsuite directory", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:08:33.155Z" }, { "id": "directory_01E8CS3GSBEBZ1F1CZAEE3KHDG", "domain": "", "external_key": "r3NDlInUnAe6i4wG", "name": "Foo Corp", "organization_id": "org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFPANT", "object": "directory", "state": "linked", "type": "okta scim v2.0", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:09:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:10:33.155Z" } ], "list_metadata": { "after": "directory_01E1JJS84MFPPQ3G655FHTKX6Z", "before": "directory_01E1JJS84MFPPQ3G655FHTKX6Z" } }
Permanently deletes an existing directory. It cannot be undone.
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
/directories /:id
A Directory User represents an active organization user.
Developers can receive Webhooks as employees are added, updated or removed, allowing for provisioning and de-provisioning Users within an application.
{ "id": "directory_user_01E1JG7J09H96KYP8HM9B0G5SJ", "idp_id": "2836", "directory_id": "directory_01ECAZ4NV9QMV47GW873HDCX74", "organization_id": "org_01EZTR6WYX1A0DSE2CYMGXQ24Y", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "job_title": "Software Engineer", "emails": [ { "primary": true, "type": "work", "value": "" } ], "username": "", "groups": [ { "id": "directory_group_01E64QTDNS0EGJ0FMCVY9BWGZT", "name": "Engineering", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "raw_attributes": {} } ], "state": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "custom_attributes": { "department": "Engineering" }, "raw_attributes": {}, "role": { "slug": "member" } }
Get the details of an existing Directory User.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "id": "directory_user_01E1JG7J09H96KYP8HM9B0G5SJ", "idp_id": "2836", "directory_id": "directory_01ECAZ4NV9QMV47GW873HDCX74", "organization_id": "org_01EZTR6WYX1A0DSE2CYMGXQ24Y", "first_name": "Marcelina", "last_name": "Davis", "job_title": "Software Engineer", "emails": [ { "primary": true, "type": "work", "value": "" } ], "username": "", "groups": [ { "id": "directory_group_01E64QTDNS0EGJ0FMCVY9BWGZT", "name": "Engineering", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "raw_attributes": {} } ], "state": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "custom_attributes": { "department": "Engineering" }, "raw_attributes": {}, "role": { "slug": "member" } }
Get a list of all of existing Directory Users matching the criteria specified.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "id": "directory_user_01E1JJHG3BFJ3FNRRHSFWEBNCS", "idp_id": "1902", "directory_id": "directory_01ECAZ4NV9QMV47GW873HDCX74", "organization_id": "org_01EZTR6WYX1A0DSE2CYMGXQ24Y", "emails": [ { "primary": true, "type": "work", "value": "" } ], "first_name": "Jan", "last_name": "Brown", "job_title": "Software Engineer", "username": "", "groups": [ { "id": "directory_group_01E64QTDNS0EGJ0FMCVY9BWGZT", "name": "Engineering", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" } ], "state": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "custom_attributes": { "department": "Engineering" }, "role": { "slug": "member" } }, { "id": "directory_user_01E1JJHG10ANRA2V6PAX3GD7TE", "idp_id": "8953", "directory_id": "directory_01ECAZ4NV9QMV47GW873HDCX74", "organization_id": "org_01EZTR6WYX1A0DSE2CYMGXQ24Y", "emails": [ { "primary": true, "type": "work", "value": "" } ], "first_name": "Rosalinda", "last_name": "Swift", "job_title": "Software Engineer", "username": "", "groups": [ { "id": "directory_group_01E64QTDNS0EGJ0FMCVY9BWGZT", "name": "Engineering", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" } ], "state": "active", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "custom_attributes": { "department": "Engineering" }, "role": { "slug": "member" } } ], "object": "list", "list_metadata": { "after": "directory_user_01E4RH82CC8QAP8JTRCTNDSS4C", "before": "directory_user_01E4RH828021B9ZZB8KH8E2Z1W" } }
A directory group represents an organizational unit of users in a directory provider.
{ "id": "directory_group_01E1JJS84MFPPQ3G655FHTKX6Z", "idp_id": "02grqrue4294w24", "directory_id": "directory_01ECAZ4NV9QMV47GW873HDCX74", "organization_id": "org_01EZTR6WYX1A0DSE2CYMGXQ24Y", "name": "Developers", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "raw_attributes": {} }
Get the details of an existing Directory Group.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "id": "directory_group_01E1JJS84MFPPQ3G655FHTKX6Z", "idp_id": "02grqrue4294w24", "directory_id": "directory_01ECAZ4NV9QMV47GW873HDCX74", "organization_id": "org_01EZTR6WYX1A0DSE2CYMGXQ24Y", "name": "Developers", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "raw_attributes": {} }
Get a list of all of existing directory groups matching the criteria specified.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "id": "directory_group_01E1JJS84MFPPQ3G655FHTKX6Z", "idp_id": "02grqrue4294w24", "directory_id": "directory_01ECAZ4NV9QMV47GW873HDCX74", "organization_id": "org_01EZTR6WYX1A0DSE2CYMGXQ24Y", "name": "Developers", "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "raw_attributes": {} } ], "list_metadata": { "after": "directory_group_01E1JJS84MFPPQ3G655FHTKX6Z", "before": "directory_group_01E1JJS84MFPPQ3G655FHTKX6Z" } }
The Admin Portal is a standalone application where your users can configure and manage WorkOS resources such as Connections and Directories that are scoped to their Organization.
A Portal Link is a temporary endpoint to initiate an Admin Portal session. It expires five minutes after issuance.
Generate a Portal Link scoped to an Organization.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ -d organization="org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT" \ -d intent="sso"
{ "link": "" }
/portal /generate_link
Icons for third-party providers are available through the WorkOS CDN. These icons cover identity providers, Directory Sync, and domain verification services used within the Admin Portal.
Get a list of all of existing provider icons.
{ "AccessPeopleHr": { "name": "Access People HR", "slug": "access-people-hr", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "AdpOidc": { "name": "ADP", "slug": "adp", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "AppleOAuth": { "name": "Apple OAuth", "slug": "apple", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "Auth0SAML": { "name": "Auth0", "slug": "auth0", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "AzureSAML": { "name": "Entra ID (Azure AD)", "slug": "azure", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "BambooHR": { "name": "BambooHR", "slug": "bamboo-hr", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "BreatheHr": { "name": "Breathe HR", "slug": "breathe-hr", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "CasSAML": { "name": "CAS", "slug": "cas", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "CezanneHr": { "name": "Cezanne HR", "slug": "cezanne-hr", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "ClassLinkSAML": { "name": "ClassLink", "slug": "classlink", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "CloudflareSAML": { "name": "Cloudflare", "slug": "cloudflare", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "CyberArkSAML": { "name": "CyberArk", "slug": "cyberark", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "Datadog": { "name": "Datadog", "slug": "datadog", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "DuoSAML": { "name": "Duo", "slug": "duo", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "Firebase": { "name": "Firebase", "slug": "firebase", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "FourthHr": { "name": "Fourth", "slug": "fourth", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "GithubOAuth": { "name": "GitHub OAuth", "slug": "github", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "GoDaddy": { "name": "GoDaddy", "slug": "godaddy", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "GoogleOAuth": { "name": "Google OAuth", "slug": "google", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "GoogleWorkspace": { "name": "Google Workspace", "slug": "google-cloud", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "Hibob": { "name": "Hibob", "slug": "hibob", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "JumpCloudSAML": { "name": "JumpCloud", "slug": "jumpcloud", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "KeycloakSAML": { "name": "Keycloak", "slug": "keycloak", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "LastPassSAML": { "name": "LastPass", "slug": "lastpass", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "LoginGovOidc": { "name": "", "slug": "login-gov", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "MicrosoftOAuth": { "name": "Microsoft OAuth", "slug": "microsoft", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "MiniOrangeSAML": { "name": "miniOrange", "slug": "miniorange", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "NetIqSAML": { "name": "NetIQ", "slug": "net-iq", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "OktaSAML": { "name": "Okta", "slug": "okta", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "OneLoginSAML": { "name": "OneLogin", "slug": "onelogin", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "OracleSAML": { "name": "Oracle", "slug": "oracle", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "Personio": { "name": "Personio", "slug": "personio", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "PingFederateSAML": { "name": "PingFederate", "slug": "ping-identity", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "ReactNativeExpo": { "name": "React Native Expo", "slug": "react-native-expo", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "RipplingSAML": { "name": "Rippling", "slug": "rippling", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "SalesforceSAML": { "name": "Salesforce", "slug": "salesforce", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "ShibbolethGenericSAML": { "name": "Shibboleth", "slug": "shibboleth", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "SimpleSamlPhpSAML": { "name": "SimpleSAMLphp", "slug": "simple-saml-php", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "Splunk": { "name": "Splunk", "slug": "splunk", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "Supabase": { "name": "Supabase", "slug": "supabase", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "VMwareSAML": { "name": "VMware", "slug": "vmware", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } }, "Workday": { "name": "Workday", "slug": "workday", "icon": { "light": "", "dark": "" } } }
To use an icon in your project, you can reference the CDN link directly. You can alternate between light and dark mode icons by changing the path in the URL or using CSS media queries.
<picture> <source srcset="" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" /> <img src="" alt="Okta icon" /> </picture>
You can change the icons to grayscale by adding the filter
CSS property.
img { filter: grayscale(100%); }
Audit Logs are a collection of events that contain information relevant to notable actions taken by users in your application. Every event in the collection contains details regarding what kind of action was taken (action
), who performed the action (actor
), what resources were affected by the action (targets
), and additional details of when and where the action took place.
Emits an Audit Log Event.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "Idempotency-Key: 884793cd-bef4-46cf-8790-e3d4957a09ce" \ -d @- <<BODY { "organization_id": "org_01EHWNCE74X7JSDV0X3SZ3KJNY", "event": { "action": "user.signed_in", "occurred_at": "2022-09-02T16:35:39.317Z", "version": 1, "actor": { "type": "user", "id": "user_TF4C5938", "metadata": { "role": "admin" } }, "targets": [ { "type": "user", "id": "user_98432YHF", "name": "Jon Smith" }, { "type": "team", "id": "team_J8YASKA2", "metadata": { "owner": "user_01GBTCQ2" } } ], "context": { "location": "", "user_agent": "Chrome/" }, "metadata": { "extra": "data" } } } BODY
/audit_logs /events
An object representing an Audit Log Schema.
{ "object": "audit_log_schema", "version": 1, "targets": [{ "type": "user" }], "actor": { "metadata": {} }, "metadata": {}, "created_at": "2024-10-14T15:09:44.537Z" }
Creates a new Audit Log schema used to validate the payload of incoming Audit Log Events. If the action
does not exist, it will also be created.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d @- <<BODY { "actor": { "metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "role": { "type": "string" } } } }, "targets": [ { "type": "invoice", "metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "status": { "type": "string" } } } } ], "metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "transactionId": { "type": "string" } } } } BODY
Get a list of all schemas for the Audit Logs action identified by :name
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "list", "data": [ { "version": 1, "actor": { "metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "role": { "type": "string" } } } }, "targets": [ { "type": "invoice", "metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "status": { "type": "string" } } } } ], "metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "transactionId": { "type": "string" } } }, "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" } ], "list_metadata": { "before": null, "after": null } }
/audit_logs /actions /:name /schemas
Get a list of all Audit Log actions in the current environment.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "list", "data": [ { "object": "audit_log_action", "name": "user.viewed_invoice", "schema": { "object": "audit_log_schema", "version": 1, "actor": { "metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "role": { "type": "string" } } } }, "targets": [ { "type": "invoice", "metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "status": { "type": "string" } } } } ], "metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "transactionId": { "type": "string" } } }, "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" }, "created_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z", "updated_at": "2021-06-25T19:07:33.155Z" } ], "list_metadata": { "before": null, "after": null } }
/audit_logs /actions
An object representing an Audit Log Export.
{ "object": "audit_log_export", "id": "audit_log_export_01GBZK5MP7TD1YCFQHFR22180V", "state": "ready", "url": "", "created_at": "2022-09-02T17:14:57.094Z", "updated_at": "2022-09-02T17:14:57.094Z" }
Create an Audit Log Export.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ -d organization_id="org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT" \ -d range_start="2022-07-02T18:09:06.996Z" \ -d range_end="2022-09-02T18:09:06.996Z" \ -d 'actions[]=user.signed_in' \ -d 'actors[]=Jon Smith' \ -d 'targets[]=team'
{ "object": "audit_log_export", "id": "audit_log_export_01GBZK5MP7TD1YCFQHFR22180V", "state": "ready", "url": "", "created_at": "2022-09-02T17:14:57.094Z", "updated_at": "2022-09-02T17:14:57.094Z" }
Get an Audit Log Export.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "audit_log_export", "id": "audit_log_export_01GBZK5MP7TD1YCFQHFR22180V", "state": "ready", "url": "", "created_at": "2022-09-02T17:14:57.094Z", "updated_at": "2022-09-02T17:14:57.094Z" }
The URL will expire after 10 minutes. If the export is needed again at a later time, refetching the export will regenerate the URL.
Get the configured event retention period for the given Organization.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "retention_period_in_days": 30 }
/organizations /:id /audit_logs_retention
Set the event retention period for the given Organization.
curl --request PUT \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "retention_period_in_days": 30 }'
{ "retention_period_in_days": 30 }
/organizations /:id /audit_logs_retention
An organization domain represents an organization’s domain. Domains can be verified to assert that an organization owns the configured domain which is accomplished through DNS TXT record verification.
To automatically respond to changes in the organization domains, use Domain Verification events.
{ "object": "organization_domain", "id": "org_domain_01HEJXJSTVEDT7T58BM70FMFET", "organization_id": "org_01EHT88Z8J8795GZNQ4ZP1J81T", "domain": "", "state": "pending", "verification_strategy": "dns", "verification_token": "aW5HQ8Sgps1y3LQyrShsFRo3F" }
Get the details of an existing organization.
curl --request GET \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \
{ "object": "organization_domain", "id": "org_domain_01HEJXJSTVEDT7T58BM70FMFET", "organization_id": "org_01EHT88Z8J8795GZNQ4ZP1J81T", "domain": "", "state": "pending", "verification_strategy": "dns", "verification_token": "aW5HQ8Sgps1y3LQyrShsFRo3F" }
Creates a new Organization Domain.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ -d organization_id="org_01EHT88Z8J8795GZNQ4ZP1J81T" \ -d domain=""
{ "object": "organization_domain", "id": "org_domain_01HEJXJSTVEDT7T58BM70FMFET", "organization_id": "org_01EHT88Z8J8795GZNQ4ZP1J81T", "domain": "", "state": "pending", "verification_strategy": "dns", "verification_token": "aW5HQ8Sgps1y3LQyrShsFRo3F" }
Initiates verification process for an Organization Domain.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \
{ "object": "organization_domain", "id": "org_domain_01HEJXJSTVEDT7T58BM70FMFET", "organization_id": "org_01EHT88Z8J8795GZNQ4ZP1J81T", "domain": "", "state": "pending", "verification_strategy": "dns", "verification_token": "oNKzjqppp347rDBgLA5dTo8uA" }
An object representing an Authentication Factor.
{ "object": "authentication_factor", "id": "auth_factor_01FVYZ5QM8N98T9ME5BCB2BBMJ", "created_at": "2022-02-15T15:14:19.392Z", "updated_at": "2022-02-15T15:14:19.392Z", "type": "totp", "totp": { "qr_code": "data:image/png;base64,{base64EncodedPng}", "secret": "NAGCCFS3EYRB422HNAKAKY3XDUORMSRF", "uri": "otpauth://totp/" } }
An object representing a Challenge of an Authentication Factor.
{ "object": "authentication_challenge", "id": "auth_challenge_01FVYZWQTZQ5VB6BC5MPG2EYC5", "created_at": "2022-02-15T15:26:53.274Z", "updated_at": "2022-02-15T15:26:53.274Z", "expires_at": "2022-02-15T15:36:53.279Z", "authentication_factor_id": "auth_factor_01FVYZ5QM8N98T9ME5BCB2BBMJ" }
Enrolls an Authentication Factor to be used as an additional factor of authentication. The returned ID should be used to create an authentication Challenge.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ -d type="totp" \ -d totp_issuer="Foo Corp" \ -d totp_user=""
{ "object": "authentication_factor", "id": "auth_factor_01FVYZ5QM8N98T9ME5BCB2BBMJ", "created_at": "2022-02-15T15:14:19.392Z", "updated_at": "2022-02-15T15:14:19.392Z", "type": "totp", "totp": { "qr_code": "data:image/png;base64,{base64EncodedPng}", "secret": "NAGCCFS3EYRB422HNAKAKY3XDUORMSRF", "uri": "otpauth://totp/" } }
Creates a Challenge for an Authentication Factor.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "authentication_challenge", "id": "auth_challenge_01FVYZWQTZQ5VB6BC5MPG2EYC5", "created_at": "2022-02-15T15:26:53.274Z", "updated_at": "2022-02-15T15:26:53.274Z", "expires_at": "2022-02-15T15:36:53.279Z", "authentication_factor_id": "auth_factor_01FVYZ5QM8N98T9ME5BCB2BBMJ" }
Verify Authentication Challenge.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ -d code="123456"
{ "challenge": { "object": "authentication_challenge", "id": "auth_challenge_01FVYZWQTZQ5VB6BC5MPG2EYC5", "created_at": "2022-02-15T15:26:53.274Z", "updated_at": "2022-02-15T15:26:53.274Z", "expires_at": "2022-02-15T15:36:53.279Z", "authentication_factor_id": "auth_factor_01FVYZ5QM8N98T9ME5BCB2BBMJ" }, "valid": true }
/auth /challenges /:id /verify
Gets an Authentication Factor.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "object": "authentication_factor", "id": "auth_factor_01FVYZ5QM8N98T9ME5BCB2BBMJ", "created_at": "2022-02-15T15:14:19.392Z", "updated_at": "2022-02-15T15:14:19.392Z", "type": "totp", "totp": { "qr_code": "data:image/png;base64,{base64EncodedPng}", "secret": "NAGCCFS3EYRB422HNAKAKY3XDUORMSRF", "uri": "otpauth://totp/" } }
Permanently deletes an Authentication Factor. It cannot be undone.
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
/auth /factors /:id
Fine-Grained Authorization (FGA) is a set of APIs designed to help you implement scalable, centralized, fine grained authorization in your application.
Represents a type of resource and its possible relationships in your application.
{ "type": "report", "relations": { "parent": {}, "owner": {}, "editor": { "inherit_if": "owner" }, "viewer": { "inherit_if": "any_of", "rules": [ { "inherit_if": "editor" }, { "inherit_if": "viewer", "of_type": "report", "with_relation": "parent" } ] } } }
Get the definition of an existing resource type.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "type": "report", "relations": { "owner": {}, "editor": { "inherit_if": "owner" }, "viewer": { "inherit_if": "editor" } } }
Get a list of all your existing resource types matching the criteria specified.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "type": "role", "relations": { "owner": {}, "editor": { "inherit_if": "owner" }, "viewer": { "inherit_if": "editor" } } } ], "list_metadata": { "before": "eyJpZCI6IjY2YmMxMWEwLWVjYjktNDExMC1iNDI3LTIzZWRhMjBkODNkZCIsInZhbHVlIjoiMjAyMy0xMC0xN1QyMTo0NDoxNy4wNTM1NTJaIn0", "after": "eyJpZCI6ImRvY3VtZW50OkYzIiwidmFsdWUiOiIyMDIzLTEwLTE3VDIxOjQ0OjE2Ljc4OTc5OVoifQ" } }
/fga /v1 /resource-types
Create a new resource type in the current environment.
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "type": "report", "relations": { "parent": {}, "owner": {}, "editor": { "inherit_if": "owner" }, "viewer": { "inherit_if": "any_of", "rules": [ { "inherit_if": "editor" }, { "inherit_if": "viewer", "of_type": "report", "with_relation": "parent" } ] } } }'
{ "type": "report", "relations": { "parent": {}, "owner": {}, "editor": { "inherit_if": "owner" }, "viewer": { "inherit_if": "any_of", "rules": [ { "inherit_if": "editor" }, { "inherit_if": "viewer", "of_type": "report", "with_relation": "parent" } ] } } }
Update properties of a resource type.
curl "" \ -X PUT \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "relations": { "parent": {}, "owner": {}, "editor": {}, "viewer": {} } }'
{ "type": "report", "relations": { "parent": {}, "owner": {}, "editor": {}, "viewer": {} } }
Deletes a resource type in the current environment.
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
/fga /v1 /resource-types /:type
Sets resource types in the current environment to match the provided resource types.
This endpoint performs a batch operation which will override your entire schema for the environment. Any existing resource types not included in the request will be deleted.
curl "" \ -X PUT \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '[ { "type": "user", "relations": {} }, { "type": "role", "relations": { "member": { "allowed_types": ["user"] } } } ]'
[ { "type": "user", "relations": {} }, { "type": "role", "relations": { "member": { "allowed_types": ["user"] } } } ]
/fga /v1 /resource-types
Represents a relation between resources in your application.
{ "resource_type": "report", "resource_id": "23ft346", "relation": "editor", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "15ads7823a9df7as433gk23dd" } }
Get a list of all your existing warrants matching the criteria specified.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "resource_type": "role", "resource_id": "admin", "relation": "member", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "tony-stark" }, "created_at": "2024-06-20T17:58:12.768762Z" } ], "list_metadata": { "before": null, "after": "eyJpZCI6IntcInBrXCI6XCJ0ZWFtXzAxSjBLWFNBVDgzMVYyM0JCN0QzQjNHMjc0fGVudmlyb25tZW50XzAxSjBLWFNBVkJRU0EzQzZHMjAwQVFCQUFIfHdhcnJhbnRcIixcInNrXCI6XCJyb2xlfGFkbWlufG1lbWJlcnx1c2VyfDEyfHwxNzE4ODcwMjkzODQ1NDUwXCJ9In0=" } }
/fga /v1 /warrants
Creates or deletes a warrant in the current environment.
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "op": "create", "resource_type": "report", "resource_id": "23ft346", "relation": "editor", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "15ads7823a9df7as433gk23dd" } }'
{ "warrant_token": "MjM0fDM0MzQyM3wyMTM0MzM0MzY0NQ==" }
/fga /v1 /warrants
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "op": "delete", "resource_type": "report", "resource_id": "23ft346", "relation": "editor", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "15ads7823a9df7as433gk23dd" } }'
{ "warrant_token": "MjM0fDM0MzQyM3wyMTM0MzM0MzY0NQ==" }
/fga /v1 /warrants
Executes a batch of warrant writes in the current environment.
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '[ { "op": "delete", "resource_type": "report", "resource_id": "23ft346", "relation": "viewer", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "15ads7823a9df7as433gk23dd" } }, { "op": "create", "resource_type": "report", "resource_id": "23ft346", "relation": "editor", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "15ads7823a9df7as433gk23dd" } }, { "resource_type": "report", "resource_id": "46hn681", "relation": "editor", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "15ads7823a9df7as433gk23dd" } } ]'
{ "warrant_token": "MjM0fDM0MzQyM3wyMTM0MzM0MzY0NQ==" }
/fga /v1 /warrants
Represents a resource in your application.
{ "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "dkfi7a0s-784e-407e-a1ea-42a91d4c52b9" }
Get an existing resource.
curl "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "d6ed6474-784e-407e-a1ea-42a91d4c52b9", "meta": { "email": "" } }
Get a list of all your existing resources matching the criteria specified.
curl "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "newUser2", "meta": { "email": "" } }, { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "", "meta": { "email": "" } }, { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "04a2f51d-f3ce-4fa7-8aa6-26cc802d236e" }, { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "user1" } ], "list_metadata": { "before": "eyJpZCI6IjY2YmMxMWEwLWVjYjktNDExMC1iNDI3LTIzZWRhMjBkODNkZCIsInZhbHVlIjoiMjAyMy0xMC0xN1QyMTo0NDoxNy4wNTM1NTJaIn0", "after": "eyJpZCI6ImRvY3VtZW50OkYzIiwidmFsdWUiOiIyMDIzLTEwLTE3VDIxOjQ0OjE2Ljc4OTc5OVoifQ" } }
/fga /v1 /resources
Create a new resource in the current environment.
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "d6ed6474-784e-407e-a1ea-42a91d4c52b9" }'
{ "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "d6ed6474-784e-407e-a1ea-42a91d4c52b9" }
Update the meta of an existing resource in the current environment.
curl "" \ -X PUT \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "meta": { "email": "" } }'
{ "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "d6ed6474-784e-407e-a1ea-42a91d4c52b9", "meta": { "email": "" } }
Deletes a resource in the current environment.
curl "" \ -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \
/fga /v1 /resources /:resource_type /:resource_id
Create or delete up to 100 resources in one request.
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "op": "create", "resources": [ { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "user-1", "meta": { "email": "" } }, { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "user-2" }, { "resource_type": "user" } ] }'
{ "data": [ { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "user-1", "meta": { "email": "" } }, { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "user-2" }, { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "generated-user-id" } ] }
/fga /v1 /resources /batch
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "op": "delete", "resources": [ { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "user-1" }, { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "user-2" }, { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "generated-user-id" } ] }'
{ "data": [ { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "user-1" }, { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "user-2" }, { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "generated-user-id" } ] }
/fga /v1 /resources /batch
Represents a policy that defines the access control rules for your application.
{ "name": "ip_equal", "description": "Check if the client IP is in the range 192.168.x.x", "language": "expr", "parameters": [ { "name": "clientIp", "type": "string" } ], "expression": "clientIp matches \"192\\\\.168\\\\..*\\\\..*\"" }
Get the definition of an existing policy.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "name": "ip_equal", "description": "Check if the client IP is in the range 192.168.x.x", "language": "expr", "parameters": [ { "name": "clientIp", "type": "string" } ], "expression": "clientIp matches \"192\\\\.168\\\\..*\\\\..*\"" }
Get a list of all your existing policies matching the criteria specified.
curl \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "data": [ { "name": "ip_equal", "description": "Check if the client IP is in the range 192.168.x.x", "language": "expr", "parameters": [ { "name": "clientIp", "type": "string" } ], "expression": "clientIp matches \"192\\\\.168\\\\..*\\\\..*\"" } ], "list_metadata": { "before": "eyJpZCI6IjY2YmMxMWEwLWVjYjktNDExMC1iNDI3LTIzZWRhMjBkODNkZCIsInZhbHVlIjoiMjAyMy0xMC0xN1QyMTo0NDoxNy4wNTM1NTJaIn0", "after": "eyJpZCI6ImRvY3VtZW50OkYzIiwidmFsdWUiOiIyMDIzLTEwLTE3VDIxOjQ0OjE2Ljc4OTc5OVoifQ" } }
/fga /v1 /policies
Create a new policy in the current environment.
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "name": "ip_equal", "description": "Check if the client IP is in the range 192.168.x.x", "language": "expr", "parameters": [ { "name": "clientIp", "type": "string" } ], "expression": "clientIp matches \"192\\\\.168\\\\..*\\\\..*\"" }'
{ "name": "ip_equal", "description": "Check if the client IP is in the range 192.168.x.x", "language": "expr", "parameters": [ { "name": "clientIp", "type": "string" } ], "expression": "clientIp matches \"192\\\\.168\\\\..*\\\\..*\"" }
Update properties of a policy.
curl "" \ -X PUT \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "description": "Check if the client IP is in the range 192.168.x.x", "language": "expr", "parameters": [ { "name": "clientIp", "type": "string" } ], "expression": "clientIp matches \"192\\\\.168\\\\..*\\\\..*\"" } '
{ "name": "ip_equal", "description": "Check if the client IP is in the range 192.168.x.x", "language": "expr", "parameters": [ { "name": "clientIp", "type": "string" } ], "expression": "clientIp matches \"192\\\\.168\\\\..*\\\\..*\"" }
Deletes a policy in the current environment.
curl --request DELETE \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
/fga /v1 /policies /:name
Check if a subject has a particular relation on a resource.
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "checks": [ { "resource_type": "report", "resource_id": "avk2837", "relation": "viewer", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "5djfs6" } } ] }'
{ "result": "authorized", "is_implicit": "false" }
/fga /v1 /check
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "op": "allOf", "checks": [ { "resource_type": "report", "resource_id": "avk2837", "relation": "viewer", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "5djfs6" } }, { "resource_type": "report", "resource_id": "lal2420", "relation": "viewer", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "5djfs6" } } ] }'
{ "result": "authorized", "is_implicit": "false" }
/fga /v1 /check
Executes a batch of checks and returns a list of results in a single operation.
curl "" \ -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ --data-raw \ '{ "op": "batch", "checks": [ { "resource_type": "report", "resource_id": "avk2837", "relation": "viewer", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "5djfs6" } }, { "resource_type": "report", "resource_id": "slp1029", "relation": "viewer", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "5djfs6" } } ] }'
[ { "result": "not_authorized", "is_implicit": "false" }, { "result": "authorized", "is_implicit": "false" } ]
/fga /v1 /check
Use the Query Language to list the set of subjects that have access to a particular resource or to list the set of resources a particular subject has access to.
curl ",feature+where+user:12+is+member" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "results": [ { "resource_type": "pricing-tier", "resource_id": "enterprise", "warrant": { "resource_type": "pricing-tier", "resource_id": "enterprise", "relation": "member", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "12" } }, "is_implicit": false, "meta": { "name": "Enterprise", "description": "Grants customers access to the features in our Enterprise tier." } }, { "resource_type": "pricing-tier", "resource_id": "basic", "warrant": { "resource_type": "pricing-tier", "resource_id": "enterprise", "relation": "member", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "12" } }, "is_implicit": true, "meta": { "name": "Basic", "description": "Grants customers access to the features in our Free tier." } }, { "resource_type": "feature", "resource_id": "analytics", "warrant": { "resource_type": "pricing-tier", "resource_id": "enterprise", "relation": "member", "subject": { "resource_type": "user", "resource_id": "12" } }, "is_implicit": true, "meta": { "name": "Analytics", "description": "Grants customers access to the Custom Analytics value-add feature." } } ] }
/fga /v1 /query
Widgets are React components that provide complete functionality for common enterprise app workflows.
Generate a widget token scoped to an organization and user with the specified scopes.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ -d organization_id="org_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT" \ -d user_id="usr_01EHZNVPK3SFK441A1RGBFSHRT" \ -d scopes="widgets:users-table:manage"
{ "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9..." }
/widgets /token
Deprecated API: Magic Link has been replaced by the User Management Magic Auth API.
The Magic Link API can be used to add Passwordless Authentication to your app.
An object representing a passwordless authentication session.
{ "object": "passwordless_session", "id": "passwordless_session_01EHDAK2BFGWCSZXP9HGZ3VK8C", "email": "", "expires_at": "2020-08-13T05:50:00.000Z", "link": "" }
Create a Passwordless Session for a Magic Link Connection.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789" \ -d email="" \ -d type="MagicLink"
{ "object": "passwordless_session", "id": "passwordless_session_01EHDAK2BFGWCSZXP9HGZ3VK8C", "email": "", "expires_at": "2020-08-13T05:50:00.000Z", "link": "" }
Email a user the Magic Link confirmation URL.
curl --request POST \ --url \ --header "Authorization: Bearer sk_example_123456789"
{ "success": true }
Sends email/passwordless /sessions /:id /send